Advanced dating techniques  

Posted by Salraz

Who Else Wants An In-Depth,
Behind-The-Scenes, Fast-Track Education In Female Psychology And Sexual Attraction... COMBINED With An Intensive “Boot Camp Style” Personalized Training With Step-By-Step Techniques For Overcoming Fear, Approaching Women, Getting Emails And Phone Numbers, Setting Up Dates, And “Getting Physical” With Women...”

If You're Ready To Start Meeting And Dating
More Women RIGHT NOW, This Might Just Be
The Most Important Letter You'll Ever Read...

Dear Friend Who Wants More Success With Women,

I have some questions for you:
  • Do you get nervous when you think it might be time to approach a woman? Or maybe you're out on a date and you'd like to kiss a woman, but you don't want to screw up your chances by making a mistake?

  • Have you ever felt insecure because you're not tall, handsome, young, rich, famous, etc.? Do you feel like attractive women wouldn't be interested in you?

  • Do you ever become immobilized with fear when you see a woman that you'd like to approach, and by the time you figure out what to say, she's gone?

  • Do you ever become self- conscious and stilted when you're around a woman that you think is attractive... to the point where you can't communicate normally?

  • Do you feel like women have all the power and choice when it comes to dating... and you have little or none?

  • Do you feel like you don't know how to tell if a woman is interested in you?

  • Do you ever feel like you just “don't get” women when it comes to their interests in style, fashion, etc. and you don't even know where to begin?

  • Do you want to know everything there is to know about women and dating before you feel like you can even “start” approaching women, getting more dates, etc.?

  • Have you ever felt self-conscious and embarrassed about your true desires... and feel like women would be turned off if they knew what you were REALLY thinking?

  • Do you hate the idea of admitting to others that you feel insecure about this area of your life, and you really wish you could do all this yourself?

  • Do you get freaked out when women become upset or dramatic... and not know what to do?

  • Would you really like to meet an exceptional woman... a woman who doesn't have any hang-ups... so you can share a great connection, great sex, and a great relationship... but it just doesn't seem like this kind of woman is out there - or worse, even if she is, that she wouldn't be interested in YOU?

  • Have you ever felt like just throwing in the towel and giving up because it seems like NOTHING will work... and you should just accept it?

  • Do you feel like you don't know how to handle the very beautiful, high-class women that you see?

  • Would you like to start dating younger or more attractive women, but have no idea how to go about it?

  • Or are you already successful with women to some extent, but you'd like to take your success to the next level RIGHT NOW and start dating more attractive women with more consistency?

If you answered “YES!” to any of these questions, then I have some important news for you...

You're NOT alone. In fact, that list of questions was created from years of personal experience and from learning about this area of my life for myself.

Here’s The Bottom Line...

NOT knowing how to attract women feels bad.

It sucks.

It leaves you feeling like you have no power in your life.

It creates an underlying “distraction” that overpowers everything else...

It leads to a feeling of loneliness and desperation.

It leads to you feeling like a FAILURE AS A MAN.

On the other hand...

KNOWING how to attract women feels GOOD.

It feels good to not have to buy her things because you think you have to... and it feels good not saying things you don't mean in the hopes that she'll like you...

It feels good to know how to make a woman feel ATTRACTION... so she chases you instead of you chasing her.

It just feels good knowing how to attract women.

It not only feels good to YOU, it also feels good to HER... and it's WORTH LEARNING.

Most Guys Never Learn, So They
Keep Making The Same Mistakes
Over And Over Again...

Most guys take one of two approaches with women:

1) They try to buy her love, affection, and sex with dinners, gifts, and favors...


2) They try to convince her that they're a “nice guy” by being sweet, gentle, and attentive (in order to get love, affection, and sex, of course)

The problem with these basic approaches?

1) They don't work
2) They're expensive and time consuming
3) Women don't like them

So what's the answer?

I thought you'd never ask...

The answer, my friend, is to stop banging your head against the wall using strategies that DON'T WORK... stop punishing yourself emotionally... and instead start learning powerful, tested, GUARANTEED methods to meet more women and get more dates.

And here's how...

I'm going to give you a simple, 3-step formula for learning how to meet women. If you do these three things, you WILL meet more women, period.

Use these three steps to meet and date the women you want.

1) Start with the inner game FIRST

Success with women starts with what's inside of YOU… and the single most important thing you will ever do to help yourself become more successful with women is to build a “rock-solid” foundation of confidence and power inside of you.

When you develop this unshakable feeling of self-confidence you'll notice some very interesting things begin to happen in your life…

The women that you meet will all-of-a-sudden become VERY interested in getting know you… even to the point of pursuing you … just to find out what you're all about.

Unfortunately, this isn't something you can just “decide” to have.

It can take many years, and a lot of hard work… and it's all too easy to fall off track and have to start all over again. Believe me… I know.

If you REALLY want long-term, consistent success with women, this step is not optional.

You just gotta do it.

Fortunately through my own personal struggles I've developed some almost “magical” techniques for overcoming fear and boosting your self-confidence FAST.

I've figured out ways that ANY GUY can make powerful, lasting changes that women notice right away… no matter what your level of confidence is now… and it won't take you years or even weeks to do it.

When you get your inner game handled, you'll be AMAZED at how everything else just seems to fall into place.

But best of all, you'll never have to worry about being lonely or not having a woman in your life ever again.

2) Learn lots of TESTED techniques that WORK

Have you ever seen a woman on the street that you wanted to meet but you just didn't know what to do or say to get the conversation going?

Or have you ever been hanging out with a woman and just known you HAD to kiss her… but you didn't have any idea how to “make your move”?

The reality is that these situations happen ALL THE TIME… and all too often guys end up missing out on opportunities with women because they just don't know “what to do”.

I've found that the key to avoiding missed opportunities and awkward moments with women is to have at least one “default” thing to do in every situation… whether it is approaching a woman and starting up a conversation, getting a woman's phone number and email address, knowing what to say on the first phone call… and everything else up to “getting physical” and beyond.

For example, imagine if you had a way to approach a woman that got a positive response EVERY TIME… and for the rest of your life you could easily start up a conversation with any attractive women you chose…

Now, imagine if you had a way to absolutely GUARANTEE that a woman you were in a conversation with would give you her phone number… and… you knew exactly what to say when you called to guarantee a date with her…

Do you see where I'm going here?

When you have one proven way of handling each and every situation that you will find yourself in with a woman, you can literally throw “chance”, “fate”, and “luck” out the window and GUARANTEE that things will end up exactly how YOU want them to… every time.

I can't tell you how many opportunities I've blown with women in the past… it hurts just thinking about it.

The good news is that I've already gone through all of the “trial and error”… and I've developed a MASSIVE ARSENAL of techniques, methods, and shortcuts for every situation you will ever find yourself in with a woman.

The really great thing is that you can learn them FAST… and start using them as soon as you do.

I'll show you all of the “basics”… and then let you in on the more advanced material.

When you have an arsenal of powerful, tested techniques that work, you can take advantage of any opportunity with a woman that presents itself… and never worry about things not ending up “your way”.

And after you spend a day or two learning them, you'll spend the rest of your life using them to meet and date the women you want.

3) Meet masters and learn from them DIRECTLY

It turned out that the most important thing I did in my quest to become massively successful with women was to meet and learn from guys who were ACTUALLY DOING IT.

Let's face it… there are some guys out there who have an almost mystical ability to meet and attract women… and we all hate them ... lol

Many of these guys actually have women come on to THEM… on a regular basis.

But the really shocking thing is that many of these guys AREN'T the best looking guys around.

And as far as money goes… well… some of them are BARELY getting by.

If you met them on the street, you'd think they were just “regular” guys… but for whatever reason, they just know exactly what to say and do to turn women on.

It's crucial that you meet as many of these guys as you can so you can learn what works in the real world.

The problem is that these guys aren't easy to find… and it's even harder to get them to “spill their guts” and find out just exactly what it is they do that makes them so successful.

But once again.... this is absolutely VITAL to your success.

It wasn't easy… but I've managed to track down several guys who are among the BEST IN THE WORLD at attracting hot, sexy women.

And believe me, I took FULL advantage of the opportunity. I dug for the dirt… and asked the questions no one else had the nerve to ask… and got them to share every single one of their secret techniques and strategies for getting more women than any one guy possibly deserves.

You'll be floored by the simplicity and power of what these guys share… just ONE of these secrets could lead to that BIG BREAKTHROUGH that you've been waiting for.

There is nothing out there that can compare to actually hearing the “how to” from guys who are living the lives that most dream about.

If you're looking to accelerate your skills with women, it's a MUST that you learn from as many of these guys as possible. You'll be amazed at just how quickly your game improves when you take this vital step.

You Must Know Where You’re Going

If you don't have the kind of success you want with women, then you're not doing these three steps. I know that.

Now, I know that you know that you need to do these three steps.

The question is, WHEN and HOW are you going to do them?

Are you going to do them NOW? And are you going to try to do them yourself? Or are you going to take advantage of the incredible wealth of knowledge that's available to you... knowledge that can save you literally YEARS of time and THOUSANDS of dollars in cash?

Don’t Let Your Dating Life
Pass You By...

If you've decided that you're ready for SUPER-SUCCESS with women and dating, then what I'm about to tell you about could help you get it FAST.

I've put together what is arguably the most complete educational product on planet Earth for DRAMATICALLY increasing your success with women.

This digitally recorded and edited CD/DVD program contains over TWELVE full hours of me teaching all of the ideas, concepts, techniques, scripts, and secrets that took me YEARS to figure out and develop.

This is your chance to “pick my brain” and get ALL of my best thinking.

Now you can get all the benefits of hearing me teach my best ideas, all from the comfort of your own home.

What You’re Going To Learn...

Here's a VERY partial list of what you're going to learn inside this exciting educational home-study program:
  • How to create powerful “sexual tension” that turns a woman on and makes her think about you day and night

  • What you must do to ALWAYS be “mentally ready” so you don't blow it when that special woman comes along (this will prevent that thing that ALWAYS happens... you see a girl you'd like to talk to, but by the time you figure out what to say she's GONE)

  • A simple 2-step exercise to permanently eliminate the fears and frustrations that are holding you back from success with women... fast and forever

  • The universal “hard-wired” biological process that FORCES a woman to choose one man over another... and how to flip her subconscious “attraction switches” and create a powerful feeling of attraction for YOU that she can't explain

  • How to tap into your “animal instincts” and develop a strong masculine presence that makes women notice you instantly

  • Have you ever seen an unattractive man with a very attractive woman... and wondered what the hell was going on? Here's the little-known and closely-guarded secret of the “naturals” you can use to “cheat the system” and land a woman your friends don't think you deserve (It's much easier than you think... when you know the secret)

  • A secret that “alpha males” of the animal kingdom use to get females to compete over them... which happens to work just as well with humans! (This is one of my personal “secrets” that I use ALL THE TIME)

  • The REAL reason why most men will never become successful with women... and how to SMASH THROUGH and permanently eliminate this dangerous mental obstacle

  • How to “wipe your internal slate clean ” and build a powerful force of confidence that every woman you come in contact with will notice

  • A proven way to “keep the power” in a relationship with a woman and guarantee that YOU are in charge... and the ball is always in your court (This will also eliminate her desire to play “head games” with you... because she'll fear that if she plays games that she'll lose you)

  • The 20 traits that guys who are “naturals” with women possess... and a way to bring out your natural ability to attract women faster than you ever thought possible

  • How to track down real “masters” with women and get them to feel comfortable sharing their techniques and secrets with you

  • An easy, secret technique you can use to permanently eliminate nervousness around women

  • A quick, easy way to “turn the tables” when you are on a date with a woman and make HER want to be the one to impress YOU

  • The way to use “sexual” body language to turn a woman on without saying a word... even if she's all the way across the room!

  • The secret biological reason why women love “bad boys”... and how you can use it to TRIGGER her internal “sexual selection mechanism” and make her CRAZY for you

  • The reason why a woman will sleep with one man on the first night but make another man wait for MONTHS (Which guy would YOU rather be? When you know this secret, it will be your choice)

  • Inexpensive tips to improving EVERY PART of your physical appearance to create a look of masculine sexiness that a woman can't resist

  • The astonishing secret of master communicators that practically FORCES a woman to say “yes” to giving you her email, giving your her phone number... going on a date... or anything else (So easy to learn you'll use it THE NIGHT YOU LEARN IT!)

  • The tests women use to disqualify men... how to pass every one BEFORE it comes up by doing just this one thing (Unfortunately no man ever discovers this on his own... and must endure one rejection after another)

  • An eye contact secret stolen from Hollywood “sex symbols” you can use to paralyze a woman with just a glance (When she finally “wakes up” she won't be able to stop herself from approaching you!)

  • NEWSFLASH: Making a good first impression is absolutely critical to your success with women. Here's a trick to nail it every time...

  • The 19 qualities of a sexually attractive man, with specific word-for-word ways to demonstrate each one to a woman (Do just 2 or 3 of these things and you're “in”)

  • A trick I learned from direct marketers you can use to make sure you never get the “cold shoulder” from a woman you want to approach on the street (or in a bar, coffee shop, or anywhere else)

  • 2 exercises to develop your conversation skills and learn how to talk to women in a way that makes them feel attraction for you (You can start doing both of them today, and see results FAST)

  • A powerful exercise you can use “in the field” to eliminate nervousness and anxiety in seconds

  • My personal favorite “move” for each of the “most common” situations with women... starting up a conversation, getting her phone number and email address, asking her out, making a move, and taking things to a physical level (I've field-tested and refined each one... you're getting ONLY the best)

  • 9 little-known places that are packed with single, available women every single day of the year!

  • The 6 things you must NEVER do when you approach a woman you want to meet (I learned each one of these “the hard way”... and I'll tell you how to AVOID the pain and rejection that I had to endure )

  • “Sneaky” (but fun for her) ways to get an attractive woman to approach YOU and start up a conversation

  • A way to start up a conversation with a woman online that works EVERY time

  • A surefire way to approach a woman in a bar that works EVEN BETTER if she's already been hit on ten times that night

  • The 3 words you can say to a woman to INSTANTLY find out if she is single AND if she's interested in you

  • Have you ever seen a hot woman driving in a car next to yours, and didn't know what to say? Here's a surprisingly easy “why didn't I think of that” way to get her phone number FAST

  • An easy way to meet and date that cute woman who works at your favorite restaurant, bar, or store

  • A simple body language trick that DOUBLES the chances of a woman giving you her phone number

  • How to use “sexy” voice tonality to make a woman hang on and get more turned on with every word you say

  • An exact, word-for-word script to use when you call a woman for the first time that all but guarantees a date with her

  • A simple 10 word phrase to say at the end of a conversation that cuts the chances of a woman “flaking out” on you down to ZERO

  • A surefire fun “date” that costs almost nothing and guarantees she'll have the time of her life... and... remember you forever

  • The rule of romance almost all guys BREAK that can ruin your chances with a woman without you even knowing it

  • 5 things you can do to GUARANTEE a woman will be attracted to you when you spend time with her... even if you don't have a lot of experience in this area

  • The 4 “set in stone” rules of communicating with women all “naturals” know but “regular” guys miss entirely (If you've ever had a woman interested in you... only to later change her mind... it's probably because you broke one of these)

  • Exactly what to say when a woman complains about something (Most guys FAIL this simple test and LOSE her respect... Now, you'll gain it and increase her attraction to you with just this simple 5-word phrase)

  • A simple thing you can do to make a woman chase you and work for your attention when you're out on a date

  • 6 conversational “get out of jail free” cards you can use to eliminate uncomfortable silences and awkward moments when you're with a woman. (You can also use all 6 of these in a row to keep a conversation flowing smoothly)

  • A 10 point “First Date Checklist” every man NEEDS to go over before he gets together with a woman

  • The secrets to quickly cultivating a charismatic and interesting personality that makes women fascinated and intrigued by you

  • A psychological “magic trick” that makes a woman feel comfortable coming back to your place the very first time you hang out

  • How “players” use the technique of playing “hard to get” to drive women crazy and get THEM to make the first move

  • How to smoothly switch the conversation to the topic of sex and get a woman incredibly turned on... She'll be silently BEGGING you to “have your way” with her!

  • How to use Handwriting Analysis, Hand Tension Reading and Palmistry to mesmerize a woman and build her curiosity to the max... PLUS... 3 simple, no B.S. worksheets that tell you EXACTLY how to do it

  • My proven technique to know exactly when to go for that crucial first kiss with a woman AND make sure the moment is perfect

  • A primal sexual technique, stolen from the animal kingdom, that puts a woman over the edge with sexual excitement... she'll have to have you RIGHT THEN AND THERE... and nothing will be able to stop her

  • How to end the first date in a way that ensures SHE will be the one who is eagerly waiting for the next one

  • 2 mega-successful, cut-and-paste online profiles you can “steal” and start using today to meet hordes of women online (Copy them word for word or create your own based on the model... and watch your email box swell to obscene proportions)

  • 10 tips for online chatting you can use to take things with a woman from the internet to the “real world” quickly and easily

  • 5 of my own personal successful online chat threads, copied and pasted for you to study and steal from (Look over my shoulder and see exactly how it's done)

  • A detailed explanation of my theory that “Attraction Isn't A Choice” and exactly how to use this information to increase your success with women DRAMATICALLY - by learning how to make them feel attraction for you AUTOMATICALLY

  • Why just learning “techniques” and “pick up lines” alone won't help you... and what to do about it

  • What attraction is, and how to use this knowledge to make women feel it for YOU

  • How to stop thinking about “seducing” women, which implies manipulation and trickery, and start thinking in terms of ATTRACTING them instead

  • Creating attraction takes more than just the right words... it takes a special combination of body language, humor, attitude, and other communication. I'll show you the magic formula, and break it down into bite-size chunks that you'll easily grasp

  • A very specific exercise and formula for overcoming each and every fear you have with women

  • The “triune brain” theory, and how to appeal to the three different parts of a woman's mind at once and increase her attraction for you exponentially

  • Lessons from animal behavior (called “Ethology”) that will help you see human behavior... and especially FEMALE human behavior differently (and more importantly, show you how to attract women in almost magical ways)

  • How the persona or “social masks” of women work, and how to get past them

  • How we deceive ourselves into believing things that aren't true or useful about women... and how to overcome this self-deception

  • How to keep more of your personal power... instead of giving it away to women

  • How to find and identify your own limiting or inaccurate beliefs about yourself and women... and how to turn them into useful beliefs that will help you succeed

  • How to think about the “game” of dating in a way that makes you excited about meeting and approaching women

  • How to “make your own luck” when it comes to women. There are things that “lucky” guys do to attract women - and you can learn what they are

  • Why some techniques work better than others when it comes to attracting women, and the exact techniques I use personally in each major dating situation

  • How to project a powerful, magnetic confidence to women by seeing them as “guests in your reality” as opposed to people whose approval you need

  • A detailed explanation of the inner beliefs of men who are ULTRA successful with women, and how to cultivate these beliefs within yourself

  • Specific guided self-image exercises to improve your self esteem and confidence with women

  • Why your “Reference Group” (or those you choose to surround yourself with) will largely determine your success... and how to use this secret to skyrocket your success with women

  • Answers to the profound question: “How do you make a person want something?”

  • How to stop acting needy in the presence of women - and instead project a LACK OF INSECURITY that women are magnetically attracted to

  • Specific techniques for directly accessing the deeper, primitive part of women in a way that makes them automatically feel ATTRACTION for you

  • How to communicate that YOU'RE the one doing the selecting... instead of leaving that to women

  • The magical powers that “bad boys” and “jerks” use to attract women... and how to harness the positive aspects of this power yourself without being abusive

  • How attractive women think, feel, and experience the world, and why you need to “get” this in order to make them feel ATTRACTION for you

  • Every single thing you do or say can either increase or decrease attraction... learn how to turn this to your advantage and make the most of every communication, action, gesture, and situation

  • Various female personality types, how they work, and what to watch out for

  • Specific guided exercises for clearing fear and anxiety... you can use these techniques in any situation to help you clear away uncontrollable anxiety

  • Great places to meet women... there are places where women outnumber men (really!)

  • “Pickup Lines” that actually work

  • A detailed explanation of mental rehearsal exercises and examples to help you plan your success with women

  • One of my favorites! How to make women actually start the conversation with you

  • “Training Wheels” for meeting women... different types of props, stunts, etc. that will help start and maintain interesting conversations with women in any situation

  • How to start up a conversation with a woman in any situation

  • How to plan out your initial interactions with women so they go smoothly - without feeling like you're being “manipulative”

  • How to use your voice tone to change the meaning of your communications in a way that women find charming and irresistible

  • How to “ask a woman out on a date” - there's a right way and a wrong way... I'll show you the right way

  • The best places to take women on dates... to have fun and not spend a lot of money

  • Exactly how to use Romance and Chivalry to maximize the attraction that a woman feels for you... without going overboard and making yourself look foolish

  • How to make a woman think about you all the time, even when you haven't talked to her for days

  • Why following common social courtesy and “what your mom taught you” is HORRIBLE for creating attraction... and what to do instead

  • How to set up your “relationship” with a woman in a way that doesn't create obligation, strange feelings, and hassles later on (when I use the word “relationship” here, I don't mean boyfriend/girlfriend relationship... I mean the relationship between two people)

  • The keys to making your personality INTERESTING to women

  • The magical power of being Cocky and Funny with women

  • My favorite specific examples of being Cocky and Funny

  • How to make it natural for a woman to want to be ALONE with you

  • My personal secrets for meeting women on the internet, day or night, 24/7

  • The 6 things that INSTANTLY tell a woman you will make a good father (One of the single biggest things that attracts a woman to a man... and one that you must be VERY careful with)

  • “The Wuss Cure”... how to get yourself back on track if you feel like you're starting to act needy, and you sense that you're about to scare a woman off.

  • Secrets for taking a woman home the same night you meet her.

  • How to “play hard to get” with a woman right from the beginning... and increase her attraction to you exponentially by doing it

  • How to use “The Kiss Test” to see if she's ready to be kissed

  • Examples of actual dialogues and conversations with women online

  • How and when to end a date (hint: If you screw this up, you lower your chances of seeing her again by quite a bit)

  • How to smoothly take things to a “physical” level, and get a woman so turned on that she's literally begging for you to make love with her

  • A printed “hard copy” of my most popular and requested newsletter of ALL TIME, “Meeting Women With The Personals”, reprinted in its entirety (This newsletter contains my exact step-by-step routine for meeting women online, including my “cut-and-paste” letter you can send to a woman that almost GUARANTEES a response) I'm serious when I say that this one “bonus” alone could multiply the results you get using the online personals to meet women... and save you hundreds or thousands of dollars... and literally MULTIPLY the number of women you meet...


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