Things that Orkut users are unaware of  

Posted by Salraz in , , ,

No, I am not going to talk about how much money Orkut Buyukkokten is making every time anyone scraps anyone or by what time he is going to be the richest person in this world.

I am going to talk about things that are always in front of many Orkut users but no one talked about it.

#1 Orkut Feed Fetcher
Orkut added the feature of adding the feeds on Orkut a long time back but anyone knows how it fetches feed? The feeds are fetched from your email subscription by the email id “”. This is what I found out when I checked the email readers and found this entry.

#2 Orkut Crush

Orkut allows you to add anyone on your crush list. Suppose you have added someone on your crush list and that user has also added you on their crush list. In such a case, Orkut plays a sweet role of notifying both the users that the other person has a crush on you. Isn’t it one of the awesome feature?

#3 Orkut Today’s Fortune Feature

Well I strongly believe in astrological predictions. The reason being simple that they matches with my day to day happenings perfectly. The question is how they decide the quotes to display each day? Surely, it is not decided on random basis and no one seems to know of it.
I even tried getting in touch with the people behind Orkut but didn’t got any answer. On searching the internet, I found out that it might be decided on the basis of details in your profile but I personally believe that they decide it on the basis of some astrological algorithm by fetching the birth date from the account.

If you too have something weird or cool to share or some unanswered query then let me know through your valuable comments and I will add your query / explanation (after verification, of course) with a link back.


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