Meet the Oscars : In Pics
Posted by Salraz in Interesting, Oscar, Public
On Public Display :
In a first for New York, newly-minted Oscar statuettes were showcased in the window of Times Square Studios. A line of Oscar statuettes was seen at the “Meet The Oscars” display, designed for the public to see and touch the statuettes used during the awards ceremony in Los Angeles.Golden Knight :
The Oscar statuette depicts a knight, holding a crusader’s sword, standing on a reel of film. The film reel features five spokes, signifying the five original branches of the Academy — actors, directors, producers, technicians and writers.Polished & Buffed :
The Oscars are cast, molded, polished and buffed by R S Owens and Company, the Chicago awards specialty company retained by the Academy since 1982 to make the statuette. The process takes three to four weeks to cast 50 statuettes.