Demons A-Z
Posted by Salraz in Demons, Hell, Interesting, Names, Odd, Scary
A list of demons, devils, and evil gods from around the world. Probably not exhaustive. If you know of any more, keep it to yourself.
Abaddon - King of the Demons of Hell. Also known as Apollyon (Greek).
Abigor - Rides a horse and carries a scepter and lance. In Hell he commands sixty legions of devils
Adramelech - A demon of Hell where his job is Chancellor and President of The High Council of Devils.
Aguares - Commands thirty legions of devils in Hell. Is also the Grand Duke of Eastern Hell.
Akop - A demon from the Philippines who preys on widowed people.
Alocer - A Grand Duke of Hell who commands thirty-six legions of devils.
Amduscas - A Grand Duke of Hell who commands twenty-nine legions of devils.
Andras - Marquis of Hell who commands thirty legions of devils.
Angul - A demon from the Philippines who kills people with an axe.
Apepi - A serpent demon who in ancient Egypt was in opposition to the sun god Ra.
Apophis - A serpent demon who stalks at night.
Asmodeus - A devil who was banished to the desert by Raphael.
Astaroth - In hell he is The Lord Treasurer and the Grand Duke of Western Hell.
Astarte - A heathen god who is sometimes consigned to Hell.
Aym - A Grand Duke of Hell who commands twenty-six legions of demons. Also known as Haborym.
Ayperos - A Prince of Hell who commands thirty-six legions of devils.
Azazel - Also known as Satanel, he is the Standard Bearer of the armies of Hell.
Azidahaka - The god of witchcraft from Iran. Has three heads.
Azrael - Muslim angel of death.
Baal - Commanding General of the Infernal Armies
Baalberith - Also known as Berith, he is the Chief Secretary of Hell.
Balan - A Prince of Hell.
Bearded - Demon His real name is not revealed so that people do not deal with him when searching for the Philosopher's Stone.
Beelzebub - Name means the 'lord of the flies'. A high demon of hell who is sometimes equated with Satan.
Belial - Also known as Beliel and Beliar. The Prince of Trickery, the Demon of Sodomy and the Antichrist.
Belphegor - The demon of Ingenious Discoveries and Wealth
Beng - The Romanian Gypsy version of Satan.
Buer - Commands fifty legions of devils in Hell.
Bumalin - Philippines god of the Underworld. C
Caym - The Grand President of Hell.
Charon - The boatman of Hell who takes souls accross the Styx.
Chax - A Grand Duke of Hell who is also known as Scox.
Chernobog - Slavic demon whose name means 'the black god'. He brings all things evil at night.
Chemosit - A demon from Kenya who is half man and half bird.
Chu Kwai - Sen Chun A demon from China, the creator of freaks.
Congo Zandor - A Demon worshipped in Haiti.
Cresil - The demon of slovinliness and impurity.
Dagon - The Baker of Hell.
Eblis - The Persian version of Satan. His name means 'despair'.
Elathan - A Celtic lord of Darkness.
Erebus - A Greek demon who guards the darkness around Hell.
Er Mo - Szechuan King of Demons.
Eurynomus - A Prince of Hell who likes to feed on the dead.
Furfur - A Count of Hell who commands twenty six legions of demons.
Geryon - According to Dante, Geryon is a giant centaur who guards Hell.
Grand Bois - A demon from Haiti whose name means 'big woods'. He is the master of the forests at night.
Guaricana - A devil from Brazil. He is honoured by the Yurimagua by flogging young men until blood flows. H
Hatu-Atu-Topun - Also known as Hetu-Ahin, a female demon from Polynesia who stalks twighlight and dawn.
Hecate - Queen of the witches.
Herensugue - An evil serpent from the Basque Country.
Ibwa - A demon from the Philippines who feeds on dead bodies.
Ikwaokinyapippilele - A strangely named demon from Panama who causes illness.
Inmai - A demon from Myanmar who bizarrely lives in the post in front of houses and causes people to be inured with thorns.
Irvene - Demon dog who lives on the Canary Islands.
Itzcoliuhqui - A demon god of the Aztecs. He brought cold and destruction.
Jahi - Persion female demon. She specialises in debauchery.
Jezebeth - The demon of falsehoods.
Jilaiya - A demon from India who flies as a bird at night to suck the blood of people. It can only suck the blood from people whose name it has heard.
Karau - A demon from Panama who causes death in the world.
Kasdeya - Known as the 'Fifth Satan'.
Keron-Kenken - An evil spirit from Patagonia. He eats the newborn and drinks the tears of the mothers.
Kobal - Patron of comedians and the Entertainment Director of Hell.
Kok-Lir - A demon from Borneo who prays on men.
Lebara - A Brazilian demon worshipped by the cult of Yoruban.
Leonard - Known in Germany as Urian, he is the Inspector=General of Black Magic and Sorcery.
Leviathan - The androgynous Grand Admiral of Hell who is supposed to have seduced Adam and Eve.
Lilith - The first wife of Adam, before Eve, who was actually a demon.
Lilitu - An ancient demon connected with Lilith.
Lima - A demon worshipped in Haiti.
Lingelson - A demon worshipped in Haiti.
Mammon - The Demon of Avarice.
Manuval - A demon of the night from New Guinea.
Mastema - The leader of the offspring of fallen angels.
Melchom - A treasurer of Hell.
Mephistopheles - Sometimes described as a servent of the Devil, other times is a name for Satan himself.
Merihim - The Prince of Pestilence
Moko-Titi - A hideous lizard demon of the Maori people.
Moloch - A demon from Judaism.
Mullin - Lieutenant to Leonard.
Murmur - The Demon of Music.
Mush - A demon of darkness from Iran. N
Naburus - A Marquis of Hell who has connections to Cerberus.
Nergal - The Chief of the Secret Police of Hell.
Nybras - Publicist of the Pleasures of Hell.
Nysrogh - An inferior demon.
Nyx - The sister and wife of Erebus.
Olisha - An evil goddess from Haiti. A favourite of voodoo and black magic.
Orias - A Marquis of Hell.
Oroan - Guyanan demon of eclipses.
Orthon - A minor demon known for posession of bodies.
Orusula - Costa Rican demon who appears in the form of a giant pig. His foam gives people a fatal rash.
Paymon - The Master of Ceremonies in Hell.
Philotanus - A demon who likes to assist Belial in sodomy.
Pitkis - Baltic demon of the night.
Po-Tangotango - A night demon of the Maori people.
Proserpine - Sometimes known as a princess of Hell.
Pyro - The Prince of Falsehood.
Qanel - Guatemalan demon.
Raum - A Count of Hell who commands thirty legions of demons.
Ravana - Hindu King of Demons.
Rimmon - Also known as Damas, is the Ambassodor of Hell for Russia.
Ronwe - Commands nineteen legions of devils in Hell.S
Sakarabru - An African demon of darkness.
Samael - The Angel of death and the Prince of the air.
Satanael - Believed to be the evil first son of God by the Bogomils.
Semiazas - The Chief of the Fallen Angels.
Set - An evil god of the night from Ancient Egypt.
Seth - The god of the Underworld from Ancient Egypt.
Shabriri - Known as the demon who made people go blind.
Sonneillon - The demon of hate.
Succorbenoth - The demon of jealousy.
Tando Ashanti - Demon who demands the simulataneous human sacrifice of seven men and seven women.
Tezcatlípoca - Aztec God of the 'smoking mirrors'. Has an evil black manifestation. An aspect of Tezcalípoca is Yaotl, meaning enemy.
Thamuz - An Ambassador of Hell.
Tlacatecolototl - A Toltec demon whose name means 'rational owl'. Is god of evil and night.
Troian - Baltic demon of the night.
Ukobach - The Stationary Engineer of Hell.
Uphir - A demon physician.
Valafar - A Grand Duke of Hell.
Verin - The Demon of Impatience.
Vetis - A demon of hell who corrupts and tempts the holy.
Vritra - Hindu enemy of the gods. Is a serpent.
Wele Gumali - Name means the 'black god'. He comes from Kenya.
Xa-Mul - A demon from the Philippines who swallows people whole.
Xaphan - A demon who stokes the furnaces of Hell.
Xic - From Guatemala. Brings sudden death to men.
Yalocan Tumulu - A demon of darkness and mischief from Surinam
Yama - Hindu king of death who has two dogs to carry away the dying.
Zaebos - A demon who is part human, part crocodile.
Zagam - The demon of Deciet and Counterfeiting who has the talent of being able to turn water into wine