Through the roving eye: A life less ordinary
Posted by Salraz in Funny, Images, Interesting, Odd
WELL-PROTECTED... A model displays a design made out of condoms during a fashion event in downtown Kuala Lumpur. Organisers claim that the fashion event, in which local designers showcase creations made out of condoms as part of HIV awareness, is the first of its kind to be held in Muslim-majority Malaysia.
CAUGHT IN THE ACT... French President Nicolas Sarkozy and his model-turned-singer girlfriend Carla Bruni ride a felucca, a traditional Egyptian sail boat, on the River Nile in Luxor December 26, 2007.
MAKING A SPLASH... A man dives into the Tiber river from Rome's Cavour bridge during the New Year Day's tradition, January 1, 2008.
COLOURS OF PROTEST... People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals(PETA) activists, displaying painted bodies to the colours of M&Ms candies, hold a protest in front of M&M's World store on Broadway in New York. PETA activists held the protest accusing candy-giant Mars, of funding painful and deadly tests on animals in its candy research.
BIRD FLU BLUES... Indian health officials hold a chick prior to culling birds at the village of Margram, some 240 kms north of the eastern Indian city of Kolkata, January 16, 2008.
ITS THE LARGEST!.. Japan's electronics giant Matsushita Electric Industrial unveils the prototype model of the world's largest 150-inch sized plasma display panel (PDP) TV, measuring 3.31m in width and 1.87m in height, at the company's Amagasaki PDP plant in Hyogo prefecture, western Japan January 8, 2008.
WED-LOCKED: Newly elected African National Congress (ANC) President Jacob Zuma (R) attends his wedding ceremony, January 5, 2007, some 400 kilometres north of Durban. Zuma married his fourth wife and mother of his youngest children in a ceremony at his homestead.
MOHARRAM MOURNING... Muslims mourn during a Moharram procession in Ahmedabad on Thursday.
HEAR US OUT... Hijras - eunuchs - dance during a show as part of a protest in Siliguri, January 8, 2008. A non-governmental organisation run by the hijras, is demanding the right of entry for the hijras into the neighboring state of Sikkim which is denied by the Sikkim Government.
FISHY AUCTION... Fishmongers check the quality of meat on large tuna fish at this year's first trading day at Tokyo's Tsukiji fish market, January 5, 2008. A 276kg tuna was traded at 6.07 million yen (55,700 USD) at the wholesale market auction.RAW BITE... Can Iraqi soldier eats a freshly killed rabbit as troops show their warfare skills during a ceremony marking the first anniversary of authority transfer to Iraqi forces in the Shiite Shrine city of Najaf, January 10, 2008.