

Power sexuality  

Posted by Salraz

“Is It Really Possible For A Guy Who Has Literally No Sexual Confidence And No Control Over His Sex Drive To Transform Himself Into The Kind Of “In Control” Man That Women Desire, Respect… And Secretly Fantasize About?”

Dear Friend,

Your sex drive is killing your sex life.

The amazing gift – of a sex drive – that you were born with, has become your worst enemy.

Let me ask you something…

Have you ever seen an innocent child chasing after a butterfly?

Just as the child gets closer to the butterfly, and begins smiling because he’s about to catch it… he gets too excited, and moves too fast… and scares his prize away.

And this is exactly what you’re probably doing with women right now.

Innocently… and ignorantly… you’re pushing away the women you’re most attracted to… and, in the process, you’re pushing away your chances of having sexually fulfilling relationships with those women.

How am I so sure about this?

Because I did this exact same thing ALL MY LIFE.

And it’s only now, after years of “self development” and learning that I’m able to see my past thinking and behavior for EXACTLY what it was… DESTRUCTIVE.

Some Of The Many Mistakes I Made…

You may have heard me mention this before, but I didn’t have my first girlfriend until I was 18 years old. Up until that point, I had gotten used to women not paying attention to me, and I just assumed that I wasn’t the type of guy that women were “interested in”.

I would hear stories about the other guys in my high school “hooking up” with the attractive girls… and, over time, I just got the point where I accepted the idea that those guys must have something “special” about them… that attracted women in a sexual way.

The more these other guys “scored”, and the more I didn’t score, the more I affirmed that belief in my mind…

But here’s the kicker: Just because women weren’t interested in ME in a sexual way… didn’t mean that I wasn’t interested in THEM in a sexual way. My desire was always there… hoping… waiting… praying for a chance opportunity to be with one of these seemingly out-of-reach beauties I saw all around me.

Now that I look back on it, I realize that the frustration that came from believing that I would never be successful with women… combined with my growing desire to BE with one of these women… ruled my “mental world”.

I had no idea that I had the word “DESPERATE” written in big bold letters on my forehead. Women could see it… but I had no idea it was even there.

This “foundation” (if you could call it that), led to another set of problems as I got older…

Because I secretly believed that women weren’t interested in me “in that way”, I always felt embarrassed, ashamed, and guilty about my desires to be with them…

I could be talking to an attractive woman, and as soon as I started to think “Hey, this woman is hot…” I would become INCREDIBLY self-conscious.

All of a sudden, I felt like my thoughts and intentions were being projected on a giant movie screen right in front of the girl I was talking to. I felt like she could READ MY MIND.

Worse, I felt like she not only knew what I was thinking, but she was probably DISGUSTED by it… and wanted to get away from me.

I mean, if you were an attractive woman, and a guy that wasn’t attractive in any way was talking to you… and thinking sexual thoughts about you… wouldn’t YOU want to get away as fast as possible?

I thought so. And, more importantly, I thought that SHE thought so.

And again… now that I’m older, and can look back on this with experience… I can see that I was literally sabotaging my chances of success with these women.

What Was Wrong?
Why Couldn’t I See It?

At that time in my life, I had NO WAY of knowing what the problem was.

I had no way of knowing that the women I was so attracted to could see RIGHT THROUGH ME.

I had no way of knowing that it was OBVIOUS to them that I wanted them… and that I didn’t know how to GET them…

The problem was actually three problems:

1) had NO Sexual Confidence.

2) I had NO Sexual Experience.

3) I had NO clue.

Not only did I lack confidence and experience, I didn’t even have anyone to slap me upside the head and say “Hey dumbass! Go get some Sexual Confidence… and read a few books about sex already!”

In fact, sometimes I mentally go back and bitch-slap my inner child and say those exact words! Just don’t mention that to any therapists… they might not agree with my self-motivation techniques…

In total, I spent around ten YEARS of my adult life in this “rat maze”, trying to find the secret door… and only running into one frustrating situation after another.

I’d get lucky, and start a casual conversation with a woman that I found attractive… and screw it up because I was so insecure about my sexuality… and because I thought she could NEVER find me attractive… so I wouldn’t even TRY.

I’d get lucky again, and wind up dating a woman that I really liked… and because I had no Sexual Confidence, I’d turn into “Super Wussy Boy” and she’d get bored of me… and we’d break up.

I’d get VERY lucky… and find myself in a situation where an attractive woman was in bed with me… but I’d get nervous and self-conscious… and not be able to even get sexually excited (by the way, this one is the hardest to even admit… and I can’t believe I’m typing these words right now).

These are just a few of the COUNTLESS situations that I screwed up over those ten or so years of my life…

If you’ve been reading this, and you can identify with what I’m talking about, then what I’m about to say will probably change your life FOREVER. I’m not kidding…

The Root Of The Problem…

The sad (but true) fact is that I had NO IDEA that my problems were coming from my MIND.

It wasn’t that women weren’t interested in me… and it wasn’t that they were disgusted by my desire for them…

The reality was that I didn’t know how to MAKE them interested… and I didn’t know that if they were interested, that they would LIKE the fact that I wanted them sexually.

In short, I had no SEXUAL CONFIDENCE.

Those two words are interesting together, aren’t they?

Somehow, even though you’ve probably never seen them used together… you probably know EXACTLY what they mean when used in this way… right?

Let’s put it another way.

I’ll bet you’ve “thought through” the idea that sex is “natural”… right?

You’ve gone over it in your mind over and over… and you’ve convinced yourself logically that there’s “nothing wrong with sex”… and that if you are interested in a woman sexually, that it’s totally healthy and acceptable.

But then there’s REALITY…

When you find yourself in the SITUATION with a woman… and you suspect that she might be “reading your mind”, you become self-conscious and ashamed again… even though you “know” there’s nothing to be self-conscious and ashamed about…

This, my friend, is a lack of Sexual Confidence.

But there’s more…

I also mentioned earlier the factor called “sexual experience”.

Here I’m talking specifically about knowing exactly how to please a woman in the bedroom. I’m talking about having the goods. I’m talking about being able to look at a woman and say to yourself “if that woman is lucky enough to experience some time with me on an intimate level, she is going to remember it for the rest of her life”.

THAT is what I’m talking about.

And when you COMBINE these two factors, and you develop them consciously… you will become a man that has UNLIMITED options with women.

A “Dirty Secret” That
Most Women
Will Never Admit…

One of the most INTERESTING things I learned while I was teaching myself about Sexual Confidence was this:

Many (or maybe even most) attractive women have gone through… or are going through… a time in their lives where they have become what I call “sexually dormant”.

What I’m talking about here is very private, and very personal to most women…

A woman who is going through this experience has found herself in a place where she has FORGOTTEN what it feels like to be SEXUALLY ALIVE.

See, for most women, they rarely (or NEVER) meet a man who has that amazing combination of “Sexual Confidence” PLUS the ability to really “please” her in the bedroom.

And, just like I programmed myself that there was something “unattractive” about me… and I’d probably never succeed sexually with women… a woman who is sexually dormant has come to believe that this is just the way it is.

She has literally LOST HOPE.

Whoah, heavy man.

But there’s good news. And it’s VERY good news…

If you work on yourself, and develop your natural Sexual Confidence… then learn a few things about how to please women… you can awaken a woman’s sexual side. And then… WATCH OUT.

Even though this sounds like some kind of romance novel sex fantasy, it’s 100% true. Every word of it. And I’m going to prove it to you…

One Technique That Will
Literally Transform Your
“Sexual Success”
With Women Instantly

Before I go on, I’d like to share a technique that you can use to dramatically increase your success with women on a sexual level.

If you pay attention and USE what I’m about to share, you will see VERY powerful results.

Why am I going to share this technique with you?

Because I want you to see for yourself just how much difference a small change can make.

And I want to you to see for yourself that you can LEARN how to improve your sexual success with women (I also want you to invest in my home-study program as well, but that’s another story…).

Have you ever heard me tell the story of “Old Bull and Young Bull”? Maybe you’ve heard the joke…

Old Bull and Young Bull are standing on a hill. Young Bull says to Old Bull, “Hey, let’s run down there and have sex with one of them cows”. Old Bull slowly turns to Young Bull and says, “Let’s WALK down there, and have sex with ALL of them”.

The moral of the story is that Old Bull has learned that being in too much of a hurry limits your sexual success.

Being in too much of a hurry scares women away.

Being in too much of a hurry makes women RESIST… it weirds them out.

If being in too much of a hurry hurts you, then what’s the obvious solution?



This is a good start, by the way. And I recommend it.

Lean back. Don’t move too fast. Don’t communicate that you’re needy. Don’t get overly excited if she gives you a “positive signal”. In short, CHILL OUT.

But this isn’t the ULTIMATE answer.

This isn’t the answer that brings you the EXPONENTIAL increase in success.

This isn’t the answer that literally gets women AROUSED… and turns them on.

For that, you must do something that’s both SIMPLE… and “counter-intuitive”.

By counter-intuitive, I mean that you must do something that you’d probably never think of… and you’d never stumble on by accident… because it almost doesn’t make sense.

And that’s the BEAUTY of it.

Because it’s not something that most men think of (or do accidentally), it is INCREDIBLY powerful to do with women… because they never EXPERIENCE it.

The “Magic Key” To
A Woman’s Arousal…

The way to take this idea of “slowing down”, and multiply its effectiveness… is to add a simple twist to it.

This twist is to actually STOP once in awhile… and GO BACKWARDS a step.

In fact, I call this technique “Two Steps Forward, One Step Back”.

And here’s why it works:

For a woman, arousal (or being “turned on”) is all about ANTICIPATION.

Men get turned on instantly… but women usually take longer. And they ENJOY the process of getting turned on more and more over time.

If you know this simple fact… and you know how to create MENTAL ANTICIPATION… you will know the secret of getting any woman aroused sexually.

Here’s how to do it…

Next time you’re with a woman, tell yourself that you’re going to STOP at every “base”, and take a step BACK.

Let’s say you’ve kissed her for the first time.


Lean back.

Smile at her.

Start talking again.

And don’t touch her for several minutes.

Now, why’s that?

Because she’s going to be thinking to herself “Why did he stop?” and “Is there something wrong” and “Is he going to kiss me again?”.

And the more she thinks and wonders, the more TURNED ON she’s going to get.

When you do start kissing again, put your arms around her… but DON’T TOUCH any of her “private” areas.

Touch her shoulders. Touch her arms. Pull her close. But DON’T TOUCH the “R Rated” zones.

And then… you guessed it…


Lean back.

Smile at her again.

Lay close to her with your arm around her… very still.

During the time you were kissing her and touching her, she will be thinking “Why isn’t he trying to touch me all over?” and “I’d better be ready to stop him”.

But you didn’t touch her in any of those places. And she didn’t get to “stop you”.

And now that you’ve stopped, she’s thinking even more… and getting even MORE aroused.

Are you learning something?


Now go and use this technique, and see for yourself how powerful a simple idea like this one can be…

Now, I just shared a very simple… but very POWERFUL technique.

And, as I mentioned, it is “counter intuitive”. It’s not something you probably would have figured out “on your own”.

Well, just like that one idea was both counter intuitive… AND easy to learn… all of the steps to building Sexual Confidence and Sexual Experience are basically the same.

You can learn them.



No hassle.

Oh, and it’s FUN to learn them. It’s not only interesting, it’s also wonderfully challenging. The more you learn, the more fun it is… and the more you WANT to learn…

But only if you know WHERE to learn this stuff…

How To Create Your Own
“Sexual Confidence” And
Sexual Experience Quickly
And Without The Years Of Hassle…

Until now, there has been nowhere to go in order to LEARN how to build Sexual Confidence.

You either had it, or you didn’t (or you were hard-headed like me, and spent many frustrating years of your life figuring it out for yourself).

Well, now there IS a place you can learn these concepts, theories, and skills… and the great news is that you can learn it all from ME… right from the comfort of your own home.

I’ve put the finishing touches on a home-study program that I call “Power Sexuality”, and I’d like to tell you about it…

This program is the very first of its kind. It’s designed to help men overcome the same sexual issues that held me back from success with women for many years… the very personal stuff that doesn’t just “disappear” on its own… and can affect you your entire life unless you take action to get rid of it.

This program is also designed to fix the problems that hold back even those guys who DO attract women…

Unfortunately most men---whether they can get dates or not---never really learn how to REALLY turn a woman on sexually, and allow her to discover the sexual being hiding inside of her. This program will show you how to do that… and a whole lot more…

Here’s a few of the other powerful things you’ll learn:

  • How to notice the signals inside yourself that you’re about to do something STUPID and screw things up… and what to do in each situation INSTEAD… so you take things to the next level FORWARD instead of messing up and turning her off…

  • How to notice the signals that a woman is LOSING interest… and how to get things BACK ON TRACK

  • The direct relation between your Sexual Confidence and the “aura” you project when approaching a woman for the very first time (A lack of Sexual Confidence will ruin your ENTIRE game… and a woman can “feel” this right when she meets you. Here’s how to let a woman know IMMEDIATLEY that you can please her in the bedroom… without actually saying it)

  • A simple “trick” that DOUBLES the intensity of any sexual “technique” (She’ll remember you forever when you use this one… because you’ll be the only man who’s ever been able to make her feel this good…)

  • The single most powerful way to trigger SEXUAL ATTRACTION when you first meet a woman (Women are hard-wired to respond to this technique because it subconsciously tells her that a man is a “sexual match” to her, or better… and she should do whatever she can to mate with him)

  • How to eliminate all feelings of shame, guilt, and insecurity around your sexuality quickly, and permanently (this is the first step to becoming a Sexually Confident male… and I’ll show you some simple, 3-minute exercises to rid yourself of the internal “B.S.” that is sabotaging your sexual success with women)

  • If you want to build SEXUAL ATTRACTION in a woman, it’s crucial that she sees you as “mating material” and not “friend material”. In this program I’ll show you how to let a woman know that you are a SEXUAL THREAT… and get her thinking about having sex with you within minutes of meeting you…

  • The 4 factors a woman uses to size up a man’s “sexual potential” when they first meet (A woman uses these things to determine in if you are up to her sexual standards… miss just one and she’ll feel you’re genetically inferior, and not worthy of being with her)

  • Why REALLY HOT women are even better at detecting sexual insecurity… and what they look for when deciding whether or not to sleep with you (These smoking hot women have to sleep with someone… but very few men are able to get past their initial screening process. Here’s what you must do differently with these women to get them to see you as an equal)

  • A step-by-step method for creating sexual chemistry with a woman… how to get her incredibly turned on… and fantasizing about having sex with you non-stop until it actually happens

  • Why you must NEVER focus on the ACT of sex when you are with a woman if you want to actually have sex with her (Many guys screw it up for themselves by focusing on the “end goal”. Instead, do this… and often SHE will be the one who initiates it

  • One of the biggest causes of nervousness and performance anxiety in men is the fact that they haven’t accepted the fact that sex is “normal”… that it is something you are supposed to do as a human, and that it’s “no big deal”. I’ll show you how to hard-wire these beliefs into your brain so you can accept your male sexuality as the important part of you that it is… and start having the sex life you are meant to have as an adult man

  • The single biggest insecurity WOMEN have around sex… and how to make a woman feel totally comfortable and excited about having sex with YOU

  • How to keep your sexual emotions from ruining your relationships with women by making you do things you know aren’t right… whether it’s calling a woman too much, getting nervous on a date or in the bedroom, or simply giving up your sexual power to a woman. Here’s how to avoid making these mistakes and ensure your relationships go in the direction YOU want

  • Your biggest sexual weapon as a man is DELAYING GRATIFICATION… and I’ll show you how to use this to build up intense feelings of sexual tension with a woman inside and outside the bedroom… and then give her a mind-blowing experience she will remember FOREVER

  • How a woman detects which man is the most SEXUALLY DOMINANT of a group (Use this “trigger” and your friends will HATE YOU… because all of the women you meet when you are out will naturally gravitate towards YOU)

  • A HUGE mistake guys make right before actually doing the deed that KILLS ATTRACTION, and makes a woman nervous about actually “doing it” with you (In fact, this one is so deadly that it actually sends attraction into the NEGATIVE… so you are worse off then when you first met her… even though you are now in bed with her. I’m amazed at how many men do this… and if you’re like me, you will cringe when you hear it because you’ve probably made this mistake yourself)

  • Why women LOVE and are irresistibly turned on by the characters in romance novels (Here’s how to think and act like these heroes and make a woman see you as the DREAM MAN she’s spent her whole life searching for)

  • A secret way to touch a woman that gets her thinking about you touching her more and more and more

  • A way to find out what turns a woman on MOST while you are kissing her… so you learn the best way to push her “pleasure buttons” on the spot and drive her WILD with pleasure (Do this and she’ll think you’re a “sexual psychic” who knows exactly how to please her)

  • What women REALLY fantasize about in the bedroom… and how to make her feel comfortable with acting those fantasies out

  • Why a woman MUST have a challenge in order to be sexually fulfilled… and exactly how to get her to open up to you sexually by holding back physical contact (I have to emphasize just how important this lesson is going to be to you… I’m going to teach you how to do something that you’d NEVER guess in a million years… and have it MULTIPLY the attraction that a woman is feeling for you. The woman you’re with will be confused, fascinated, and totally caught off-guard… Oh, and she’ll also be more attracted to you PHYSICALLY than she’s ever been attracted to ANYONE, EVER)

  • A powerful exercise that shows you how to develop a magnetic aura of SEXUAL POWER that women will notice from the corner of their eyes when you walk into a room… and that turns women on when you are talking with them one-on-one

  • The hidden link between Sexual Confidence and the rest of your success with women… (You might not recognize this if you are already having success with women… but without a mastery of your “end game”, the rest of your success (from approaching women to getting dates) is being held back. Here’s how Sexual Confidence will supercharge ALL of your skills with women… and the fastest way to do it)

  • Why it’s perfectly normal for us to experience “out there” fantasies (It’s really not “weird” or “out there” to have wild fantasies… and women have them too. Here’s how to get rid of any shame you have around them and keep them from holding you back in other areas… and, best of all, to EXPERIENCE your fantasies in real-life)

  • How to really understand your masculine role in the bedroom (Most men act too “feminine” and end up turning a woman off… and making her want to ditch you for someone else. Here’s how to put a stop to this immediately… and give her the satisfaction of feeling like she’s with a REAL man)

  • A way to find out if a woman has fantasies of being “submissive”… and what to do if she does (I am not kidding when I say that this little-known “submissive test”, along with exactly what to do if she tests “positive”… is a PRICELESS piece of knowledge. You might kiss me after you use it… but let’s not go there)

  • How a man with rock-solid Sexual Confidence holds himself and stands… and why women will be magnetically drawn to you when you do this

  • The things women use to size up your FUTURE status as a man (If you can show a woman that you are on the path to Sexual Confidence, it can be just as attractive as actually being there. Here are the 9 things a woman looks for, and how to project them)

  • A lesson from master salesmen on how to close deals that you need to know in order to “close the deal” with a woman

  • What it means when a woman “slows you down” when you are getting physical… and what to do next to keep things going smoothly, and keep her feeling comfortable

  • A big mistake “sensitive” guys make in the bedroom that they THINK is a good thing (the truth is that this is a MAJOR turnoff to women… and if you don’t know what it is, there is a good chance you are making this mistake now)

  • How to let her know you are an ANIMAL inside the bedroom that will ravish her the way she longs to be… and at the same time set off fiery passions within her that give her that “I must have him NOW” feeling

  • Why a woman’s physical feelings override her emotions (Here’s how to ramp up sexual excitement FAST… and overcome the “logical” resistance women that keeps women from sleeping with men even when it’s the right thing to do)

  • How to get her to picture in her mind the two of you being intimate (This is the first step to it actually happening. In fact, it will never actually happen unless she imagines it first… so listen up!)

  • An in-depth lesson in ANTICIPATION and SEXUAL TENSION (I’ll show you step-by-step how to use these 2 powerful weapons together… use them correctly and you will literally have women you’ve just met interested in seeing you again… and women you have been seeing jumping your bones. These forces are really that effective… and you’ll be a master of them by the time you finish this course)

  • Why you should WAIT before you touch a woman… and how to get her silently begging for it… so that when it finally does happen it feels like electricity running through her body

  • 2 silent but powerful ways to initiate physical contact that tell her you are VERY EXPERIENCED with women (even if you’re not…)

  • A simple, “never fail” way to find out FOR SURE if a woman wants to sleep with you that night

  • The 5-minute preparation you should go through before getting intimate with a woman to ensure you don’t make any mistakes (This simple 5 minute routine will eliminate any chance of performance anxiety or other embarrassing problems you’ve been having… by clearing your mind and getting you “in the zone”. Listen up… this is important)

  • How to practice your techniques BEFORE you get together with a woman… so by the time it actually happens she thinks you are an EXPERT… even if it’s your first time using them

  • What you can learn when a woman touches YOU (Here’s how to “read” her touch and find out the very best way to please her)

  • A KILLER technique you can use to give a woman a quick burst of sexual excitement anytime you like… inside the bedroom or on a date (This is one of my personal favorites… and you’ll use it with every woman that you meet)

  • A primal sexual technique---stolen from the animal kingdom---that all mammals are programmed to respond to by becoming SEXUALLY AROUSED

  • The right way to play “hard to get” without scaring a woman off (Do this right and you will increase her physical and emotional attraction for you DRAMATICALLY)

  • How to turn a woman ON by turning her DOWN the first time she makes an advance at you (You’ll LOVE this…)

  • How to get a woman to happily and literally BEG YOU for more in the bedroom (You actually might love this one even MORE… lol)

  • 2 words to say to a woman during foreplay that make her want it BAD

  • The single most powerful “sexual move” I have EVER discovered (This one is truly POTENT… and is NOT to be used as a manipulation tool. Save it for the women you really like, because it will make them want to be intimate with you again and again and again…)

  • A simple way to TRIPLE the intensity of her orgasms without requiring any special “techniques” or extra “stamina” from you

  • How to let a woman know that YOU know more about her body than SHE does… and make her want you to PROVE IT to her

  • How to connect her physical and auditory sensations to give her an unforgettably intense sexual experience like no man ever had before

  • Exactly what to do when you have a “performance problem”… what you MUST do if you want her to overlook it and move on (Most guys let this ruin them FOREVER… but the truth is these things happen to all men… and woman are ok with it if you handle it LIKE A MAN. Here’s how…)

  • The tests a woman will give you when you are “getting physical” and how to pass them… even if you aren’t aware that you are being tested at the time

  • The kind of man a woman needs to bring out the hidden sexual goddess inside her… and how to become him

  • 3 things you can use to size up a woman’s “sexual potential” on the spot and find out instantly if she’s the wild thing you’ve been looking for

  • How to get a woman to think about you in “naughty ways” when you aren’t around…

  • The “Welcomed Method” – A step-by-step method to pump pleasure into a woman’s body and stimulate her in a way she has NEVER felt before

  • The REAL truth about what women want a man to do in the bedroom (Hint: It’s NOT what you think…)

  • A secret fantasy almost all women have but almost NONE will admit (She’ll be AMAZED that you know this…)

  • Your most powerful tool in the bedroom is YOUR VOICE. Here’s how to “talk dirty” in a way that turns a woman on FAST

  • How to crack a woman’s unique “sexual code”… and be the one man that REALLY brings out the sexual animal inside of her (When you take a woman to this “forbidden” level of pleasure and excitement, she’ll become yours FOREVER. In fact, you probably won’t be able to get rid of her even if you want to!)

  • How to use different kinds of touches to release the different “sexual chemicals” in her brain all at once… creating a super shot of sexual excitement that lasts for hours and hours

  • The 8-word question that gets a woman to reveal her DEEPEST sexual fantasies to you… even if you’ve just met

  • What you can do when a woman says “stop” that turns the tables and gets her t0 BEG YOU to keep going (the best part is that women LOVE when you do this…)

  • The 2 best places on a woman’s body to make that important “first touch”… if you want to turn her on the most

  • A subtle way to touch a woman during dinner that gets her turned on and thinking about what’s coming next

  • A way to shake a woman’s hand that sends shivers through her body and makes her want you to touch her in other places as well

  • How to dance with a woman in a sensual way that turns her on

  • What a woman ultimately desires from the act of sex (to surrender)

  • How to tune into a woman’s body during the act and increase her chances of having an orgasm by whispering to her (This one is REALLY powerful… you’ll learn it in 3 minutes… and you’ll use it every time you’re with a woman)

  • How to tell whether or not a woman is “faking it”

  • A simple exercise to strengthen your “love muscles” and eliminate any chance of having an embarrassing dysfunction when it counts

  • A little-known but easy to find food that increases your libido and makes you perform better in the bedroom

  • How to get a woman to see you as her “sexual trainer”… and BEG YOU to teach her new and exciting things

  • The way to ask a woman how to please her best without looking like you are inexperienced or clueless (Women actually LOVE when a man asks them how to give them pleasure… but you have to do it right. Here’s how…)

  • How to train a girl to please you, step-by-step… and make any woman the perfect sexual partner for you

  • The sentence you can say to a woman right before she “pleasures you” that makes her do twice as good of a job (And no, I’m not kidding)

How You Can Know If
This Program Is Right For You

There is an important reason why EVERY MAN needs to get their hands on the information in this program, which I’ll explain to you in a minute. First, I feel it’s important that you find out if this program is specifically for YOU.

Read through the following questions… and answer them in your mind or out loud.

As you go them, think about how your life will be different when you have different answers then you have now…

  • Does it ever feel like the women you meet have absolutely ZERO sexual chemistry with you… or worse… that they are REPELLED by you? Maybe you can feel it when you approach them… or when she hugs you… and there is just no sexual energy whatsoever?

  • Do you feel that women you date or attempt to date just aren’t as interested in sex as you are… or worse… just not interested in having sex with YOU?

  • When you are interacting with a woman you like… do you secretly fear that you might do something that makes her NEVER want to sleep with you… and that you’ll never be able to “recover” from it?

  • Do you worry you might do something wrong in a stage of “getting physical”… and it will freak a woman out and make her uneasy about you… and also reveal your lack of experience?

  • Do you fear that if things become intimate between you and a woman you won’t know what to do… or how to do things right?

  • Have you ever “put off” an opportunity to sleep with a woman… maybe pretending you were “hard to get” or “respectful”… but in reality you were just too damn nervous to do it? Maybe you feared you wouldn’t be able to please her, or even perform at all… and you wanted to avoid the embarrassment?

  • Have you ever screwed up your chances with a woman because you DIDN’T sleep with her?

  • Do you feel guilty about some of the things you want to do with a woman… and feel that if she found out about some of the fantasies you have you would feel ashamed?

  • Do you feel like everyone around you is having sex except YOU? And the less sex you have, the worse your chances become to get it?

  • Do you secretly feel that you are missing out on an important part of life by not having sex as often as most “normal” people seem to have? Or because you are not having sex at all?

  • Do you feel embarrassed about your sexual situation… and feel like no one would understand it… and that people might even laugh at you if you told them about your problems?

The reason I choose to ask these particular questions is because each one represents a common problem men face… and each of these problems can be disastrous to your sex life… which directly affects your life in general.

They are also all problems I have had to personally overcome.

I’ve singled these problems out because we are going to tackle each of them head-on in this program… together. If you are currently suffering from any ONE of these deadly fears and limitations, I highly recommend you get this program immediately… because by the time you finish going through it and using the powerful tools inside, you’ll feel FAR more “Sexual Confidence”… and you’ll be FAR more successful with all stages of meeting women.

By the way, as your Sexual Confidence increases, you’ll also notice some other very interesting things begin to happen…

As I already mentioned, many of the challenges that you are facing in the INITIAL stages with women… like overcoming fear of approaching… building attraction… and keeping women interested in you, stem from insecurity with your END game.

In other words, if you lack confidence regarding sex… the ultimate RESULT of everything else you do… you won’t have as much confidence in all else that you do.

If you don’t know whether or not you can please a woman, you won’t feel confident when you’re first meeting her… when you’re on a date with her… and ESPECIALLY when you start down the path to becoming intimate with her.

But fortunately, when you create that powerful Sexual Confidence for yourself, the other problems tend to fix themselves.

So why not end ALL of your problems RIGHT NOW, and starting living the life you really want?

This program will help you do it…

Why Most Women Will Never
Be TRULY Satisfied In The Bedroom,
Why Most Men Will Never Be ABLE To
Truly Satisfy A Woman Sexually…
And What To Do About It…

…PLUS Why You Owe It To Yourself
And Every Woman You Meet
For the Rest Of Your Life
To Learn These Skills Immediately

While doing some research in preparation for this program, I read somewhere that most women have NEVER had an orgasm during sex with a man…

Is that even possible???

Well, I’m not sure. But what I do is know from experience is that nearly all women complain to each other constantly that men have NO IDEA how to please them…

It’s even become a “culturally accepted” fact… society’s cliché of the “average” man is a guy who loves beer, loves sports, hates to ask for directions… and couldn’t satisfy a woman in the bedroom if his life depended on it.

I definitely think there is some truth to this… and I know most women will agree.

So why is this? What’s going on here?

Well, I personally believe that it is NOT because men are only “out for themselves” and don’t want to satisfy a woman. Those men are a small minority.

I also don’t believe it’s because men are lacking in sexual “technique”… or even “stamina”.

I believe the problem here is that nearly all men are lacking what it takes to bring out the primal sexual being that is hidden inside of every women… the woman that is capable of having amazing orgasms and experiencing intense pleasures… and totally “letting go” and enjoying the experience.

Men always fantasize about having sex with REALLY attractive women, and having the woman as into it as he is. This woman is actually waiting inside of every woman that you meet… but unfortunately, most men will never get to see her.

You see… bringing this side of a woman out is something the MAN has to do. A woman can’t just “choose” to make it happen… and can’t just “turn it on” when the time is right.

A man must have SEXUAL CONFIDENCE to bring it out.

If you don’t… a woman will subconsciously feel that you aren’t man enough to handle it.

What we’re talking about here goes FAR BEYOND sexual excitement and arousal. We’re talking about a total transformation.

If you’ve never seen this side of a woman before, don’t feel bad… even men that have sex regularly usually don’t have the Sexual Confidence to bring these powerful feelings out.

The consequence of all this is a lack of sexual satisfaction for women everywhere… which gives them a negative feeling about men in general, and a disappointment in sex, period.

But… the good news here is that YOU don’t have to be a part of it.

If you have the Sexual Confidence to unlock this side of a woman, you really can turn her into a nymphomaniac that is thinking about sex with you ALL THE TIME.

Once you have the combination to this lock… she will be yours FOREVER.

In fact… no other man will even stand a chance. It’s not like another guy can come along and crack the code… and it’s not like she can tell him how.

Powerful Sexual Confidence is the equivalent to having a “skeleton key” to a woman’s inner sexual being… and this program will show you how to get it.

Even if you are already good with women… you owe it to yourself to get this program… and learn how to create that animal magnetism that very, very few men will ever know how to do…

You'll Also Get Three FREE Live
“Interviews With Dating Gurus”
Just For Trying This Program ...

As a very special one-time bonus, I'd also like to send you THREE FREE interviews from my Interviews With Dating Gurus monthly CD interview program.

Here's how it works: Order now, and I'll throw in a one-month FREE subscription to my Interview Series - PLUS I'd like to send you my Interview Starter Kit that contains two DOUBLE interviews as a bonus for just trying this program.

I'm so sure you're going to love these interviews that I'm even going to pay the additional priority SHIPPING cost to send them to you. If you love them (which you will), keep them and stay subscribed. Every month I'll send you another interview, and you'll automatically be charged only $19.95 (or $22.95 if you're outside of the U.S.). You can cancel anytime you want with no questions or hassles.

If you get this starter kit and you DON'T love these interviews and get IMMEDIATE success with the material you learn, you can cancel and keep the starter kit AND the first month's interview FOR FREE just for TRYING it. In other words, you get to keep all three interviews for free either way... even if you cancel right after you get them.

This bonus is worth at least $100.00 alone, and it's yours free just for trying this program - but this special free-interview offer is only available with your purchase right now.

And of course, the starter kit and all the future interviews will be sent to you in plain packaging for your privacy.

[Read all about my Interview Series by clicking HERE for a pop-up window that will explain the details. The pop up can be closed as soon as you're finished.]

***If you'd prefer NOT to get this free $100 bonus, you can “opt out” with one click while ordering.... and order just the “Power Sexuality…” Program alone. It's that easy.

Here’s What You’re Going To Get...

  • 8 audio CDs or 4 digitally recorded and edited DVDs of me and my guests PERSONALLY teaching you everything I've described above

  • An accompanying workbook full of teaching slides and aides

  • A detailed track listing for quick access

  • A sturdy 3-ring binder to hold all of your CDs/DVDs and other materials
  • Additional Bonus... Three Free Interviews With Dating Gurus

  • These three bonuses, including the two DOUBLE interviews are worth at least $100.00 alone

  • You'll get all three free, just for trying this program
Because I want as many men as possible to be able to benefit from the sexual power this program will give them, I've decided to price it at only 5 monthly payments of $39.97 for the DVD version or 5 easy payments of $26.97 for the CD version. This low price and payment plan includes FREE PRIORITY PACKING, SHIPPING, AND HANDLING anywhere in the U.S.! (If you live outside the U.S., a small additional shipping and handling charge will be applied at checkout, depending on your country). And both versions come with my better-than-money-back “I’ll take all the risk” Guarantee…



Avoiding Rejection When "Getting Physical"  

Posted by Salraz


Most men don't know the FIRST THING about how
to take things to a "physical" level with a woman.

Here's why:

Let's say you've been out on a date with a
woman, and you're now back at your place, having
an enjoyable conversation.

You look over at her.

She looks back at you.

You want to kiss her.

She KNOWS that you want to kiss her.

You know that she is the one with all the

If you try to kiss her, and she pulls away, she
might reject you forever.

If you DON'T try to kiss her, maybe it will
happen later, or maybe she'll even kiss you...

The risk of being rejected FOREVER is so
powerful and creates such fear that you decide to
just "walk away" from the situation and hope
something happens later.

Or, let's say that you've been out with a woman
a few times, and you have just kissed her for the
first time.

You know that she's enjoying it.

She knows that you want her.

You'd REALLY like to do more, but you're afraid
that if you try, you'll be seen as "moving too
fast", or even worse... a "pushy pervert".

You hate the idea of being rejected after
you've invested all that time and come so far...

So you decide to stop and hope that maybe
things will "heat back up" later.


If you really stop and think about it, the
reason why you run into problems in situations
like these is that:

1) You don't understand exactly what turns women

2) You are afraid of rejection.

3) You don't know what SHE'S thinking, so you

I honestly believe that most men CAUSE their
own problems and resistance when it comes to
"getting physical" with a woman.

Yes, you read that right... MEN are the ones
who CAUSE the problems.

It's not the woman!

It's the fact that you don't understand the
situation, what's REALLY going on, and how to


Here's a little secret that most women will
NEVER share with you...


Women can tell what you're thinking!

If you want to kiss her, but you're nervous
about it, SHE KNOWS.

If you're kissing her and want to do more...

And here's the KICKER:

If you're afraid of her rejecting you, SHE


Women are approximately TEN TIMES as good at
men when it comes to reading and interpreting
subtle body language, and THEY KNOW WHAT WE'RE

Let me correct myself... slightly.

They know what MOST men are thinking.

If you understand the dynamics of how and why
women become sexually aroused, then EVERYTHING

I'll also mention... if you'd like to get an
education on how to increase your inner "Sexual
Confidence"... then you should check out my
program called "Power Sexuality". Inside this
program, I will reveal to you the "sexual secrets"
that most men will simply never know. You can
check it out here:

Now, let's talk a little bit about the topics

Here's an interesting thought:

In their book "Sexual Interactions", Albert and
Elizabeth Allgeier mention that in one study
almost 40% of women reported refusing sexual
intercourse when they actually WANTED it. They
call this "The token no".

So, what's going on here?

Hold on... one more thing before I discuss
this, I want to point out that this DOESN'T mean
that a woman wants a man to force himself on her.
NEVER force a woman to do anything!

Here's what's going on...


Anticipation leads to sexual arousal.

Write that down...

...on your forehead.

You need to remember that women like the idea
of WANTING and EXPECTING what's going to happen.

The reason why a lot of women say that they
don't want to sleep with men even when they do is
because the man doesn't GET IT.

Men act like they would enjoy it if a woman
just took off her clothes and said, "Let's do it."

Women act like they want a man to chase them
around all night... and then MAYBE do it. Maybe.

So if you want her to feel more turned on, and
to get less "resistance", then USE ANTICIPATION.

I have a technique that I teach that's called
"Two steps forward, one step back".

This is a way to INCREASE a woman's sexual
arousal and AMPLIFY the ATTRACTION that's already
present in the situation.

Here's how it works:

Let's say that you're talking to a woman at
your place, and you start holding her hand.

After a few minutes, take your hand back and

Lean back.

Keep talking.

A few minutes later, reach over and take her
hand again... and keep talking.

Then, lean over and kiss her (use "The Kiss
Test" as described at my website and in my "Double
Your Dating" ebook).

After you've kissed her, STOP.

Lean back again.

Keep talking.

A few minutes later, reach over and kiss her

This time, kiss her for a little longer.

Kiss her a little deeper.

Then stop.

Lean back.



When you use this technique, you will be
absolutely STUNNED at the results.

First of all, it completely changes the

Instead of a woman RESISTING you, she'll be
MUCH more likely to try to get you to DO MORE.

She'll very likely be confused.

She'll be thinking to herself, "What's going on
here? Most guys try to push themselves on me, or
they don't do anything at all. This guy seems like
he's so in control of himself. And I keep getting
more turned on. Maybe I should tell him that we're
not going to sleep together tonight. But this is
so great..."

And the best part of this technique is that

Of course, they'd never TELL you this. And even
if a woman COULD explain it, she wouldn't WANT to
tell you. Women want men who ALREADY GET IT.

I want to mention a couple of more important

First, if you want to even GET to the point
where it's time to hold a woman's hand, kiss her,
and get even more physical, then you MUST
understand how ATTRACTION works, and how to make
women feel that powerful emotion.

If you don't, then knowing all the fancy
techniques in the world won't help you.

It's also VERY useful to understand what to do
AFTER you've kissed a woman... the details of how
to do OTHER, more INTIMATE things.

Where can you learn this stuff?

I recommend my online eBook and my Advanced
Dating Techniques CD/DVD Program.

When you download the ebook, "Double Your
Dating", you'll also get three free bonus
booklets. One of them is titled "Sex Secrets". In
that report, I explain in greater detail how to go
from one step to the next with a woman, from the
first kiss all the way to the bedroom.

In my Advanced Dating Techniques program, I
give an incredibly detailed explanation of how and
why women feel ATTRACTION for men. It's taken me
literally YEARS to figure all of this stuff out,
and you can learn it ALL in a matter of 12 hours
of listening.

It will blow your mind, and get you a LOT of

P.P.S. If you'd like to send me a Success Story,
Question, or Comment, follow these guidelines:

1) Keep it short and to the point. Two paragraphs

2) Tell me what's working for you before you ask
your question. I appreciate all of the "Your stuff
is great" and "I don't need to tell you how well
your stuff works" comments, but the fact is that I
DO need to hear all of the specifics... because
this helps other guys to see what's working in
different situations.

3) If you have a Success Story, write "Success
Story" in the subject line of the email. I read
these first.

4) At the end of the email, give me your initials
and tell me where you're from.

5) Send it to me at:



French Kissing Tips & Techniques  

Posted by Salraz

French Kissing tips

This is a guide to basic kissing, i.e. you learn the basics and get the basics right, then experiment and try different styles and more advanced techniques.

The basics

1. Brush your teeth, get a good bath, nicely groomed and clean and fresh, before meeting the other person. There's nothing worse than kissing the rear end of a garbage truck

2. Get into a comfortable position - you can't kiss if your back feels like it's gonna break. Suggestion - Sit side by side on a comfy sofa.

3. Hold your lover , firmly but gently - don't cause pain. Suggestion would be to hold the shoulders, the neck or gently on the side of the face, one side or both sides.

4. Move your faces closer. Don't bump noses. Suggestion would be the guy angle his face slightly so you don't bump noses.

5. Kiss gently, normal closed lips kissing, and close your eyes. Closing your eyes increases the sensations you feel, and also sets the mood.

6. Continue kissing gently. Get comfortable with simple closed lips, lip-to-lip kissing before going anywhere else.

7. If fine till here, tentatively, slowly and lightly draw your tongue across the other person's lips.

8. Chances are from here, if the other person lightly parts her tongue, slowly explore the other person's tongue in a light licking motion.

9. The tongue has a very sensitive surface, which is why tongue to tongue is the essence of french kissing.

10. After you've tried lightly licking the other person's tongue, you can try sucking on it, wrestling with it ( see if you can hold it to the floor of her mouth ) and other things like that.

11. Explore the other areas of the mouth. Especially the roof of the mouth. Lightly lick, or tickle the area with your tongue.

12. Don't bite. whatever you do, don't bite.

13. Don't swing your tongue round and round like a windmill. Explore lightly, don't drill your way through.

14. Breathe through your nose. Breathe through your nose. I say again, breathe through your nose.

15. Follow so far? You can lightly use your hands too, lightly rubbing the other person. Suggestions, along the waist, along the back, the arms, especially the inside of the arm, the neck, maybe running your fingers through her hair. Again, don't cause pain.

16. Continue kissing.



Video 3  

Posted by Salraz

how to attract women



Video 2  

Posted by Salraz

some techniques to attract women



video 1  

Posted by Salraz

Some techniques to attract women



“Advanced Dating Techniques —  

Posted by Salraz

Completely Revamped With Nearly
7 Full Hours Of Additional Material!

It's been over 3 years now since I first released my Advanced Dating Techniques program... and since then literally THOUSANDS of guys have used the techniques and strategies inside to SKYROCKET their success with women.

Of course, in those 3 years I've improved my skills as well...

I've figured out all kinds of new ways to approach women... more effective ways to spark ATTRACTION in the women I meet... techniques for keeping a woman's interest and attention... ways to “get physical” with women quickly... and a WHOLE lot more...

Of course... I've also become MUCH better at teaching other men how to get this area of their life handled for themselves.

I've figured out ways for guys to get this stuff down even faster... and master even my most advanced strategies and techniques in no time...

I firmly believe my original Advanced Series is the single greatest resource on the planet for a man who wants to improve his success with women and dating... but armed with this new knowledge... I wanted to make it EVEN BETTER...

I decided to RE-DO it... incorporating all of the new KILLER things I've learned over the last 3 years... and bring in some men who are among the best in the world with women to help me out...

And now... I'm excited to tell you that it's finally ready... and that you NEED to get your hands on it...

My new “Advanced Dating Techniques - 2nd Edition” is nearly 7 FULL HOURS longer than the original... and is packed to the brim with all of my very latest breakthroughs and discoveries for success with women.

The contents of this new program were taped live over a special 3-Day event I did that was specifically designed to systematically teach all aspects of my theories, models, and techniques.

You'll not only learn specific techniques that aren't taught ANYWHERE else, but you'll also be given special exercises I've designed to help you take yourself from where you are - to where you want to be.

Here's just a small sample of some of the BRAND NEW material inside:
  • A way to arouse a woman right BEFORE you kiss her that makes her want to go much further with you physically

  • What to do at the end of a date to GUARANTEE you see her again… and even get HER to initiate the next date

  • The “Wuss Cure” – How to keep the wuss inside of you from creeping up and SPOILING your success when you meet a woman you are really interested in

  • The 6 things all “loser” guys tell a woman that brings any attraction she has to a screeching halt. Even if you're doing “pretty good” with women, be absolutely sure you NEVER EVEN MENTION any one of these things

  • The secret “bad boys” use get away with bad behavior that you can use to make a woman overlook any “mistakes” you might make when you are around her

  • Exactly what to say when a woman tells you she “has plans” to get her to break her plans and hang out with you!

  • How to use the power of “takeaways” to make a woman give you her phone number without having to ask for it

  • 5 simple words you can say to yourself any time you are “in doubt” or nervous around a woman that will surge your confidence and instantly put you back in the right state of mind

  • A way to touch a woman when you're “in the bedroom” that drives her wild with passionate desire until she can no longer help herself!

  • How new scientific and behavioral studies and developments can help us understand how the dynamics between men and women work - and to use this information to attract women better

  • And much, much more...
A Special Bonus...
Guest Interviews—
Learn From The Masters

One of the most exciting things about re-doing this program was the opportunity to bring in some of the amazing MASTERS of meeting women I've been fortunate to meet over the last decade...

During the 4 years I've been teaching this stuff, I've tracked down DOZENS of dating experts and coaches, “pickup artists”, scientists, psychologists, and guys who are “naturally” successful with women.

I've met more of these people than just about anybody... and I was fortunate to be able to hand pick the very best of them to join me in the making of this program.

You're going to hear from some guys who are literally the best in the world with women as they share the secrets they use to meet and date more women than any one man deserves... along with some other amazing guests who will BLOW YOUR MIND.

You've heard me say over and over again that there's no better way to learn than getting it from guys who have figured it out for themselves. Well, now you can learn DIRECTLY from the best. And who better to interview them but me? You'll hear me get the GOOD STUFF out of them... the secrets they don't even share with their friends.

The first expert you'll hear from is a friend of mine who knows more about the subject of how to use BODY LANGUAGE to attract women than just about anyone I've ever met...

In this awesome hour-long presentation, you'll learn how to use your body, voice, and mannerisms to trigger powerful sexual attraction in women you are talking too… and even in a woman who notices you from across the room.

Of course you'll also learn some KILLER tips on how to get a woman to notice you in the first place… how to read HER body language… simple ways to “get physical” with a woman quickly and without rejection … and a whole lot more…

Here's a short preview of what you'll learn from him:
  • A “tiny” body language mistake men make that forces a woman to REJECT you when you approach her (You'd never think something so small would have such a BIG effect… but if you find yourself getting rejected by women, THIS could be the reason)

  • How to use your own body language to “trick yourself” into FEELING confident and powerful when you see a woman you want to meet

  • A simple change in the way you sit that tells every woman in the room YOU are her best choice without YOU having to say a word…

  • I know you've heard that women go for “confident” men… but did you know that it's possible to attract a woman with your confidence ALONE? Here's a step-by-step formula for becoming one of those rare men who attracts stunningly beautiful women with CHARISMA and POWER instead of “techniques” and “lines”

  • A simple change in the way you stand that subconsciously signals to a woman that YOU are a “catch”… and FORCES them to notice you as they walk by (My friend will show you how to “lock” this new powerful position into your subconscious so it becomes something you do automatically…)

  • A simple trick to deepen your voice… so that you speak in a tone that women are universally programmed to find attractive

  • Tips on how to sit, walk, and even adjust your facial expressions to convey SEXINESS and MASCULINITY to women

  • A small shift in your body language that makes it twice as easy to start a conversation with group of women (Do this and you'll NEVER have to worry about being “blocked”… because you'll appear non-threatening, sexy, and fun)

  • How to “close the distance” with a woman in a way that makes her feel comfortable and excited about getting closer to you
Secrets Of Online Dating—
Meeting Women By “Remote Control”

My original Advanced Dating Techniques program featured a friend of mine who taught me all about meeting women on the internet. This guy was good… but for my 2nd Edition… I wanted to take things one step further.

And this time around, I was fortunate to get a friend of mine on board who has taken it to a whole new level…

My friend hasn't had to leave the house to get a date in YEARS… and if you saw some of the women he meets your jaw would hit the floor.

You'll listen in as he explains his secrets of using personal ads, instant messengers, social networks, and other tools to meet women by “remote control” - right from the comfort of your home!

The things you'll learn from this guy will change the way you think about meeting women. You'll learn things that aren't taught by anyone else, anywhere else, for ANY price.

Here are just a couple:
  • Why my friend was able to “figure out” online dating while 99% of men FAIL… and how YOU can start meeting women in the shortest amount of time possible by just using a few simple secrets

  • The 6 reasons why most guys will NEVER meet a woman online no matter how hard they try (Even guys who are good with women in “the real world” tend to make 1 or 2 of these mistakes… and if you've struggled with meeting women on the web in the past it's probably because you're committing one of these errors without knowing it)

  • How to use “Cocky Comedy” online to build up powerful sexual tension in the women you are talking too (My friend has this down to a science … and he'll show you how he gets women excited and “raring to go” before he ever even meets them in person!)

  • How to play “hard to get” online – my friend's simple formula that gets a woman to chase YOU… and often do all of the “legwork” to set up that first meeting

  • The absolute best day and time to send an email to a woman in order to guarantee your best chance of getting a response (My friend has tested this extensively… sending out your emails at this time actually increases your chance of getting a response by 50% or more)

  • A hilarious word-for-word “first email” to send to a woman that gets a response 90% of the time (I can't believe he's letting this one out of the bag. You can literally “cut and paste” this and send it to women TONIGHT… and have a few dates lined up a couple of days from now.)

Biological “Attraction Triggers”
Women Can't Help But Respond To...

The next guest you'll hear from is someone whose theories and ideas have led me to some of my BIGGEST BREAKTHROUGHS with women and dating... and I was VERY excited to have him join me...

His material helped me to finally REALLY understand many of the “whys” of sexual attraction - how it works... and, more importantly... HOW TO CREATE IT QUICKLY... regardless of whether or not I was a woman's “type”... even if she wasn't interested in me initially.

This gentleman is a world-renowned evolutionary psychologist who specializes in the study of mating and human behavior... and I actually quote from his book in the beginning of this program...

You can see why I was so excited to have him present his material. His segment was definitely a highlight of the program... and you're going to learn things from him you simply CANNOT find anywhere else...

Here's just a few:
  • The biological ways a woman's brain FORCES her to discriminate between who she chooses to become intimate with (Here are the SPECIFIC THINGS you can do to make a woman SUBCONSCIOUSLY feel like YOU are the BEST CHOICE she can make in a man... several of which you can do in the first 5 minutes of meeting her)

  • The primal signals “bad boys” send to women that turn them on... and how you can send these same powerful signals without being a bad boy or a jerk yourself

  • The qualities women are genetically pre-programmed to look for in a man... and how to convey to a woman that YOU possess these qualities when you first meet her (Show her just a few of these powerful traits and she'll realize instantly that you're a “catch” that she shouldn't pass up...)

  • How women decide if they are interested in a man for a long-term relationship, a friendship... or short term fun... and the secrets to how YOU can end up in any category that you choose

  • The 8 things 10,000 women who were surveyed said they want in a man… and the order in which they ranked them (It's NOT what you think... and simply knowing this little fact will give you an instant advantage over other men)

  • NEWSFLASH: Most “nice guys” don't realize this...but ask any “bad boy” and he'll tell you that WOMEN are looking for short-term sexual encounters too. In our interview, my friend scientifically breaks down exactly the kind of guys women are looking for when they are feeling these urges... the factors that push them to have these urges in the first place... and of course, which traits you MUST display if you want to push a woman's buttons and signal to her that YOU are a guy she should choose for a casual fling. This is PRICELESS information... and this section alone will change your sex life forever if you put it to use.

A Man Who Went From
“Zero To Hero” With Women
Shows YOU How To Do The Same...

And if that's not enough… I also was fortunate to get a friend of mine who many consider to be the greatest “pickup artist” in the world to speak at this program.

This particular friend of mine is a writer who regularly interviews famous musicians for the New York Times, Rolling Stone magazine, and several other major national music publications.

He's also co-written the autobiographies of several world famous rock stars… one major “adult” film star… and a best-selling book on “the game” of meeting women.

As a writer, my friend is naturally a creative person, and has an amazing knack for coming up with WORLD-CLASS lines and routines. In this rare public appearance, you'll learn a few of his very best “opening lines” along with the exact routines he's used to create massive attraction in some of the most beautiful women in the world (including a Playboy “Playmate Of The Year” and a famous pop musician).

My friend has become fairly well-known himself... and received a standing ovation both BEFORE and AFTER he took the stage.

Prepare to be blown away… this guy is the real deal.

Here's a few more of the exciting things you'll learn from him:
  • The “jealous girlfriend opener” – my friend's now famous opening line that almost never fails, broken down word for word (you'll learn WHY it works so you can create your own great openers) -My friend's all-time FAVORITE way to approach a woman that works in ANY situation... spelled out for you word-for-word (Many guys have stolen this from him and had success with it... and you will too)

  • My friend's “Best Friends Test” Routine - The PERFECT way to get in with 2 or more women at the same time (You will use this EVERY NIGHT you go out. It's PURE GENIUS, because it makes BOTH women see you as an interesting guy. You'll have to worry more about them FIGHTING over you then one pulling the other away.)

  • “The Whole Room Destroyer” - An arrogant but funny way to let her know that you are the best man she could POSSIBLY hope to meet...

  • How to approach a woman who is out with other men and actually have the guys encouraging her to talk to you

  • Proven strategies to break through shyness QUICKLY... from a guy who literally got nervous asking a woman for the time just a few years ago...

  • And That's Just The Start...
  • In addition to those 4 unbelievable guests… you're going to hear from 7 MORE of the world's foremost experts on the topics of meeting women and creating ATTRACTION.

    From another best-selling author, a psychologist who specializes in helping people improve their dating lives, and TWO of the most amazing “naturals” I have ever met (both who have had relations with HUNDREDS, if not thousands of women), you're going to learn life-changing skills that you can go out and start using immediately… such as:

  • How to meet women easily WITHOUT “pickup lines” (Use this to successfully meet and approach a woman in ANY situation… without ever having to worry about being “rejected”)

  • How to give a woman a rush of positive emotions when you FIRST meet up with her so she stays in a great mood the entire time you are together

  • The single biggest mistake guys make that makes a woman “smell a FAKE”... and how to avoid it (You NEED to know this when you are first starting out or many women simply won't give you the time of day)

  • A way to shake a woman's hand that sends chills up her spine and makes her see you as a guy who “knows his way around the bedroom”

  • 2 special eye contact secrets---based on pre-programmed biological responses---that FOOL a woman into feeling attraction for you

  • A chivalrous move to use on a date that you can use again and again and again... getting your woman more and more turned on each time you do it

  • How to keep a relationship great and keep your woman happy for as long as you'd like WITHOUT getting married
  • Amazing “Natural Seducers”
    Reveal Their Closely-Guarded Secrets...

    The next guy you'll hear from is a man whose experiences with beautiful and exotic women would make Casanova himself jealous… and I'm not kidding.

    This man is a true natural who has been a womanizer as long as he can remember. One of his many adventures includes the time when EIGHT of his girlfriends got together and threw him a lingerie birthday party.

    In this candid appearance, my friend reveals the secrets of his charming and mysterious style that women find irresistible... and how you can use them too.

    Here are just a few:

    Listen as he explains the powerful beliefs behind his success with literally hundreds of women. You will get a behind-the-scenes look at the beliefs, insights, and wisdom of an incredible communicator who explains his personal mindset and techniques for you to learn from.

  • A simple line to say to a woman in a club that will have her CHASING YOU AROUND for the rest of the night!

  • The secrets of the small group of men that move from one woman to another with ease (The amazing thing about these men is that women KNOW they are “players”… but DON'T CARE… and actually enjoy it! If you didn't realize that WOMEN enjoy “carefree” sex too, prepare for an eye-opening experience…)

  • The REAL secrets of the “natural” seducers – Here's how you can create your own luck and design your life so women come to you without YOU even trying

  • A powerful new way to compliment a woman (yes, I said “compliment”) that will make her melt for you... WITHOUT looking like you're “sucking up”

  • A new romantic way to structure a relationship that women love and leaves you with your freedom (The best part about setting up a relationship this way is that it makes a woman LONG to be with you at all times… and NEVER want to leave you.)

  • How to let a woman know you are a sexual “bad boy” that gets a lot of women in a way that makes her want to be one of them instead of thinking you're a “player” or a “jerk”

  • Next, you'll get an astounding look into the mind, life, and personal secrets of one of the most successful guys I've ever met. Learn his secret for planning out the first date in complete detail, and how to give a woman a million-dollar date experience for under TEN DOLLARS!

    This interview will blow your mind, guaranteed. The money and time you will save on dates by just listening to this one interview will BY ITSELF pay for this course several times over - no kidding.

    Here a few of the secrets you'll learn from him:
  • The 3 inexpensive things you can put on your coffee table that subtly let a woman know you are just the right man for her

  • A step-by-step method to make a woman feel totally comfortable and willing to do anything with you within 15 minutes of meeting her (Yes, that includes going “all the way”)

  • 3 things to do to get a woman to trust you and tell you things about her even her best friends don't know (This is a great way to bond with a woman quickly... and one of the main reasons why a “natural” can get a woman so interested in him so quickly)

  • How to give a woman a heart-pounding emotional and physical experience she'll never forget... even if you don't have a whole lot of “experience” yourself

  • (Be Careful - She'll be referring to you as “Mr. Right” after this one)

  • How to skip the date and get a woman to come over to your place the very first time you hang out! (For the first time ever, my friend reveals his exact, word-for-word routine that works nearly every time... and often gets HER to make the first move. This ONE secret will change the way you “date” forever... trust me.)

  • And a whole lot more...

  • This special bonus is over 6 hours long, and the information inside will increase your success with women starting IMMEDIATELY.

    You’ll Also Get Three FREE Live
    “Interviews With Dating Gurus”
    Just For Trying This Program ...

    As a very special one-time bonus, I'd also like to send you THREE FREE interviews from my Interviews With Dating Gurus monthly CD interview program.

    Here's how it works: Order now, and I'll throw in a one-month FREE subscription to my Interview Series - PLUS I'd like to send you my Interview Starter Kit that contains two DOUBLE interviews as a bonus for just trying this program.

    I'm so sure you're going to love these interviews that I'm even going to pay the additional priority SHIPPING cost to send them to you. If you love them (which you will), keep them and stay subscribed. Every month I'll send you another interview, and you'll automatically be charged only $19.95 (or $22.95 if you're outside of the U.S.). You can cancel anytime you want with no questions or hassles.

    If you get this starter kit and you DON'T love these interviews and get IMMEDIATE success with the material you learn, you can cancel and keep the starter kit AND the first month's interview FOR FREE just for TRYING it. In other words, you get to keep all three interviews for free either way... even if you cancel right after you get them.

    This bonus is worth at least $100.00 alone, and it's yours free just for trying this program - but this special free-interview offer is only available with your purchase right now.

    And of course, the starter kit and all the future interviews will be sent to you in plain packaging for your privacy.

    [Read all about my Interview Series by clicking HERE for a pop-up window that will explain the details. The pop up can be closed as soon as you're finished.]

    ***If you'd prefer NOT to get this free $100 bonus, you can “opt out” with one click while ordering.... and order just the Advanced Dating Techniques Program alone. It's that easy.



    Advanced dating techniques  

    Posted by Salraz

    Who Else Wants An In-Depth,
    Behind-The-Scenes, Fast-Track Education In Female Psychology And Sexual Attraction... COMBINED With An Intensive “Boot Camp Style” Personalized Training With Step-By-Step Techniques For Overcoming Fear, Approaching Women, Getting Emails And Phone Numbers, Setting Up Dates, And “Getting Physical” With Women...”

    If You're Ready To Start Meeting And Dating
    More Women RIGHT NOW, This Might Just Be
    The Most Important Letter You'll Ever Read...

    Dear Friend Who Wants More Success With Women,

    I have some questions for you:
    • Do you get nervous when you think it might be time to approach a woman? Or maybe you're out on a date and you'd like to kiss a woman, but you don't want to screw up your chances by making a mistake?

    • Have you ever felt insecure because you're not tall, handsome, young, rich, famous, etc.? Do you feel like attractive women wouldn't be interested in you?

    • Do you ever become immobilized with fear when you see a woman that you'd like to approach, and by the time you figure out what to say, she's gone?

    • Do you ever become self- conscious and stilted when you're around a woman that you think is attractive... to the point where you can't communicate normally?

    • Do you feel like women have all the power and choice when it comes to dating... and you have little or none?

    • Do you feel like you don't know how to tell if a woman is interested in you?

    • Do you ever feel like you just “don't get” women when it comes to their interests in style, fashion, etc. and you don't even know where to begin?

    • Do you want to know everything there is to know about women and dating before you feel like you can even “start” approaching women, getting more dates, etc.?

    • Have you ever felt self-conscious and embarrassed about your true desires... and feel like women would be turned off if they knew what you were REALLY thinking?

    • Do you hate the idea of admitting to others that you feel insecure about this area of your life, and you really wish you could do all this yourself?

    • Do you get freaked out when women become upset or dramatic... and not know what to do?

    • Would you really like to meet an exceptional woman... a woman who doesn't have any hang-ups... so you can share a great connection, great sex, and a great relationship... but it just doesn't seem like this kind of woman is out there - or worse, even if she is, that she wouldn't be interested in YOU?

    • Have you ever felt like just throwing in the towel and giving up because it seems like NOTHING will work... and you should just accept it?

    • Do you feel like you don't know how to handle the very beautiful, high-class women that you see?

    • Would you like to start dating younger or more attractive women, but have no idea how to go about it?

    • Or are you already successful with women to some extent, but you'd like to take your success to the next level RIGHT NOW and start dating more attractive women with more consistency?

    If you answered “YES!” to any of these questions, then I have some important news for you...

    You're NOT alone. In fact, that list of questions was created from years of personal experience and from learning about this area of my life for myself.

    Here’s The Bottom Line...

    NOT knowing how to attract women feels bad.

    It sucks.

    It leaves you feeling like you have no power in your life.

    It creates an underlying “distraction” that overpowers everything else...

    It leads to a feeling of loneliness and desperation.

    It leads to you feeling like a FAILURE AS A MAN.

    On the other hand...

    KNOWING how to attract women feels GOOD.

    It feels good to not have to buy her things because you think you have to... and it feels good not saying things you don't mean in the hopes that she'll like you...

    It feels good to know how to make a woman feel ATTRACTION... so she chases you instead of you chasing her.

    It just feels good knowing how to attract women.

    It not only feels good to YOU, it also feels good to HER... and it's WORTH LEARNING.

    Most Guys Never Learn, So They
    Keep Making The Same Mistakes
    Over And Over Again...

    Most guys take one of two approaches with women:

    1) They try to buy her love, affection, and sex with dinners, gifts, and favors...


    2) They try to convince her that they're a “nice guy” by being sweet, gentle, and attentive (in order to get love, affection, and sex, of course)

    The problem with these basic approaches?

    1) They don't work
    2) They're expensive and time consuming
    3) Women don't like them

    So what's the answer?

    I thought you'd never ask...

    The answer, my friend, is to stop banging your head against the wall using strategies that DON'T WORK... stop punishing yourself emotionally... and instead start learning powerful, tested, GUARANTEED methods to meet more women and get more dates.

    And here's how...

    I'm going to give you a simple, 3-step formula for learning how to meet women. If you do these three things, you WILL meet more women, period.

    Use these three steps to meet and date the women you want.

    1) Start with the inner game FIRST

    Success with women starts with what's inside of YOU… and the single most important thing you will ever do to help yourself become more successful with women is to build a “rock-solid” foundation of confidence and power inside of you.

    When you develop this unshakable feeling of self-confidence you'll notice some very interesting things begin to happen in your life…

    The women that you meet will all-of-a-sudden become VERY interested in getting know you… even to the point of pursuing you … just to find out what you're all about.

    Unfortunately, this isn't something you can just “decide” to have.

    It can take many years, and a lot of hard work… and it's all too easy to fall off track and have to start all over again. Believe me… I know.

    If you REALLY want long-term, consistent success with women, this step is not optional.

    You just gotta do it.

    Fortunately through my own personal struggles I've developed some almost “magical” techniques for overcoming fear and boosting your self-confidence FAST.

    I've figured out ways that ANY GUY can make powerful, lasting changes that women notice right away… no matter what your level of confidence is now… and it won't take you years or even weeks to do it.

    When you get your inner game handled, you'll be AMAZED at how everything else just seems to fall into place.

    But best of all, you'll never have to worry about being lonely or not having a woman in your life ever again.

    2) Learn lots of TESTED techniques that WORK

    Have you ever seen a woman on the street that you wanted to meet but you just didn't know what to do or say to get the conversation going?

    Or have you ever been hanging out with a woman and just known you HAD to kiss her… but you didn't have any idea how to “make your move”?

    The reality is that these situations happen ALL THE TIME… and all too often guys end up missing out on opportunities with women because they just don't know “what to do”.

    I've found that the key to avoiding missed opportunities and awkward moments with women is to have at least one “default” thing to do in every situation… whether it is approaching a woman and starting up a conversation, getting a woman's phone number and email address, knowing what to say on the first phone call… and everything else up to “getting physical” and beyond.

    For example, imagine if you had a way to approach a woman that got a positive response EVERY TIME… and for the rest of your life you could easily start up a conversation with any attractive women you chose…

    Now, imagine if you had a way to absolutely GUARANTEE that a woman you were in a conversation with would give you her phone number… and… you knew exactly what to say when you called to guarantee a date with her…

    Do you see where I'm going here?

    When you have one proven way of handling each and every situation that you will find yourself in with a woman, you can literally throw “chance”, “fate”, and “luck” out the window and GUARANTEE that things will end up exactly how YOU want them to… every time.

    I can't tell you how many opportunities I've blown with women in the past… it hurts just thinking about it.

    The good news is that I've already gone through all of the “trial and error”… and I've developed a MASSIVE ARSENAL of techniques, methods, and shortcuts for every situation you will ever find yourself in with a woman.

    The really great thing is that you can learn them FAST… and start using them as soon as you do.

    I'll show you all of the “basics”… and then let you in on the more advanced material.

    When you have an arsenal of powerful, tested techniques that work, you can take advantage of any opportunity with a woman that presents itself… and never worry about things not ending up “your way”.

    And after you spend a day or two learning them, you'll spend the rest of your life using them to meet and date the women you want.

    3) Meet masters and learn from them DIRECTLY

    It turned out that the most important thing I did in my quest to become massively successful with women was to meet and learn from guys who were ACTUALLY DOING IT.

    Let's face it… there are some guys out there who have an almost mystical ability to meet and attract women… and we all hate them ... lol

    Many of these guys actually have women come on to THEM… on a regular basis.

    But the really shocking thing is that many of these guys AREN'T the best looking guys around.

    And as far as money goes… well… some of them are BARELY getting by.

    If you met them on the street, you'd think they were just “regular” guys… but for whatever reason, they just know exactly what to say and do to turn women on.

    It's crucial that you meet as many of these guys as you can so you can learn what works in the real world.

    The problem is that these guys aren't easy to find… and it's even harder to get them to “spill their guts” and find out just exactly what it is they do that makes them so successful.

    But once again.... this is absolutely VITAL to your success.

    It wasn't easy… but I've managed to track down several guys who are among the BEST IN THE WORLD at attracting hot, sexy women.

    And believe me, I took FULL advantage of the opportunity. I dug for the dirt… and asked the questions no one else had the nerve to ask… and got them to share every single one of their secret techniques and strategies for getting more women than any one guy possibly deserves.

    You'll be floored by the simplicity and power of what these guys share… just ONE of these secrets could lead to that BIG BREAKTHROUGH that you've been waiting for.

    There is nothing out there that can compare to actually hearing the “how to” from guys who are living the lives that most dream about.

    If you're looking to accelerate your skills with women, it's a MUST that you learn from as many of these guys as possible. You'll be amazed at just how quickly your game improves when you take this vital step.

    You Must Know Where You’re Going

    If you don't have the kind of success you want with women, then you're not doing these three steps. I know that.

    Now, I know that you know that you need to do these three steps.

    The question is, WHEN and HOW are you going to do them?

    Are you going to do them NOW? And are you going to try to do them yourself? Or are you going to take advantage of the incredible wealth of knowledge that's available to you... knowledge that can save you literally YEARS of time and THOUSANDS of dollars in cash?

    Don’t Let Your Dating Life
    Pass You By...

    If you've decided that you're ready for SUPER-SUCCESS with women and dating, then what I'm about to tell you about could help you get it FAST.

    I've put together what is arguably the most complete educational product on planet Earth for DRAMATICALLY increasing your success with women.

    This digitally recorded and edited CD/DVD program contains over TWELVE full hours of me teaching all of the ideas, concepts, techniques, scripts, and secrets that took me YEARS to figure out and develop.

    This is your chance to “pick my brain” and get ALL of my best thinking.

    Now you can get all the benefits of hearing me teach my best ideas, all from the comfort of your own home.

    What You’re Going To Learn...

    Here's a VERY partial list of what you're going to learn inside this exciting educational home-study program:
    • How to create powerful “sexual tension” that turns a woman on and makes her think about you day and night

    • What you must do to ALWAYS be “mentally ready” so you don't blow it when that special woman comes along (this will prevent that thing that ALWAYS happens... you see a girl you'd like to talk to, but by the time you figure out what to say she's GONE)

    • A simple 2-step exercise to permanently eliminate the fears and frustrations that are holding you back from success with women... fast and forever

    • The universal “hard-wired” biological process that FORCES a woman to choose one man over another... and how to flip her subconscious “attraction switches” and create a powerful feeling of attraction for YOU that she can't explain

    • How to tap into your “animal instincts” and develop a strong masculine presence that makes women notice you instantly

    • Have you ever seen an unattractive man with a very attractive woman... and wondered what the hell was going on? Here's the little-known and closely-guarded secret of the “naturals” you can use to “cheat the system” and land a woman your friends don't think you deserve (It's much easier than you think... when you know the secret)

    • A secret that “alpha males” of the animal kingdom use to get females to compete over them... which happens to work just as well with humans! (This is one of my personal “secrets” that I use ALL THE TIME)

    • The REAL reason why most men will never become successful with women... and how to SMASH THROUGH and permanently eliminate this dangerous mental obstacle

    • How to “wipe your internal slate clean ” and build a powerful force of confidence that every woman you come in contact with will notice

    • A proven way to “keep the power” in a relationship with a woman and guarantee that YOU are in charge... and the ball is always in your court (This will also eliminate her desire to play “head games” with you... because she'll fear that if she plays games that she'll lose you)

    • The 20 traits that guys who are “naturals” with women possess... and a way to bring out your natural ability to attract women faster than you ever thought possible

    • How to track down real “masters” with women and get them to feel comfortable sharing their techniques and secrets with you

    • An easy, secret technique you can use to permanently eliminate nervousness around women

    • A quick, easy way to “turn the tables” when you are on a date with a woman and make HER want to be the one to impress YOU

    • The way to use “sexual” body language to turn a woman on without saying a word... even if she's all the way across the room!

    • The secret biological reason why women love “bad boys”... and how you can use it to TRIGGER her internal “sexual selection mechanism” and make her CRAZY for you

    • The reason why a woman will sleep with one man on the first night but make another man wait for MONTHS (Which guy would YOU rather be? When you know this secret, it will be your choice)

    • Inexpensive tips to improving EVERY PART of your physical appearance to create a look of masculine sexiness that a woman can't resist

    • The astonishing secret of master communicators that practically FORCES a woman to say “yes” to giving you her email, giving your her phone number... going on a date... or anything else (So easy to learn you'll use it THE NIGHT YOU LEARN IT!)

    • The tests women use to disqualify men... how to pass every one BEFORE it comes up by doing just this one thing (Unfortunately no man ever discovers this on his own... and must endure one rejection after another)

    • An eye contact secret stolen from Hollywood “sex symbols” you can use to paralyze a woman with just a glance (When she finally “wakes up” she won't be able to stop herself from approaching you!)

    • NEWSFLASH: Making a good first impression is absolutely critical to your success with women. Here's a trick to nail it every time...

    • The 19 qualities of a sexually attractive man, with specific word-for-word ways to demonstrate each one to a woman (Do just 2 or 3 of these things and you're “in”)

    • A trick I learned from direct marketers you can use to make sure you never get the “cold shoulder” from a woman you want to approach on the street (or in a bar, coffee shop, or anywhere else)

    • 2 exercises to develop your conversation skills and learn how to talk to women in a way that makes them feel attraction for you (You can start doing both of them today, and see results FAST)

    • A powerful exercise you can use “in the field” to eliminate nervousness and anxiety in seconds

    • My personal favorite “move” for each of the “most common” situations with women... starting up a conversation, getting her phone number and email address, asking her out, making a move, and taking things to a physical level (I've field-tested and refined each one... you're getting ONLY the best)

    • 9 little-known places that are packed with single, available women every single day of the year!

    • The 6 things you must NEVER do when you approach a woman you want to meet (I learned each one of these “the hard way”... and I'll tell you how to AVOID the pain and rejection that I had to endure )

    • “Sneaky” (but fun for her) ways to get an attractive woman to approach YOU and start up a conversation

    • A way to start up a conversation with a woman online that works EVERY time

    • A surefire way to approach a woman in a bar that works EVEN BETTER if she's already been hit on ten times that night

    • The 3 words you can say to a woman to INSTANTLY find out if she is single AND if she's interested in you

    • Have you ever seen a hot woman driving in a car next to yours, and didn't know what to say? Here's a surprisingly easy “why didn't I think of that” way to get her phone number FAST

    • An easy way to meet and date that cute woman who works at your favorite restaurant, bar, or store

    • A simple body language trick that DOUBLES the chances of a woman giving you her phone number

    • How to use “sexy” voice tonality to make a woman hang on and get more turned on with every word you say

    • An exact, word-for-word script to use when you call a woman for the first time that all but guarantees a date with her

    • A simple 10 word phrase to say at the end of a conversation that cuts the chances of a woman “flaking out” on you down to ZERO

    • A surefire fun “date” that costs almost nothing and guarantees she'll have the time of her life... and... remember you forever

    • The rule of romance almost all guys BREAK that can ruin your chances with a woman without you even knowing it

    • 5 things you can do to GUARANTEE a woman will be attracted to you when you spend time with her... even if you don't have a lot of experience in this area

    • The 4 “set in stone” rules of communicating with women all “naturals” know but “regular” guys miss entirely (If you've ever had a woman interested in you... only to later change her mind... it's probably because you broke one of these)

    • Exactly what to say when a woman complains about something (Most guys FAIL this simple test and LOSE her respect... Now, you'll gain it and increase her attraction to you with just this simple 5-word phrase)

    • A simple thing you can do to make a woman chase you and work for your attention when you're out on a date

    • 6 conversational “get out of jail free” cards you can use to eliminate uncomfortable silences and awkward moments when you're with a woman. (You can also use all 6 of these in a row to keep a conversation flowing smoothly)

    • A 10 point “First Date Checklist” every man NEEDS to go over before he gets together with a woman

    • The secrets to quickly cultivating a charismatic and interesting personality that makes women fascinated and intrigued by you

    • A psychological “magic trick” that makes a woman feel comfortable coming back to your place the very first time you hang out

    • How “players” use the technique of playing “hard to get” to drive women crazy and get THEM to make the first move

    • How to smoothly switch the conversation to the topic of sex and get a woman incredibly turned on... She'll be silently BEGGING you to “have your way” with her!

    • How to use Handwriting Analysis, Hand Tension Reading and Palmistry to mesmerize a woman and build her curiosity to the max... PLUS... 3 simple, no B.S. worksheets that tell you EXACTLY how to do it

    • My proven technique to know exactly when to go for that crucial first kiss with a woman AND make sure the moment is perfect

    • A primal sexual technique, stolen from the animal kingdom, that puts a woman over the edge with sexual excitement... she'll have to have you RIGHT THEN AND THERE... and nothing will be able to stop her

    • How to end the first date in a way that ensures SHE will be the one who is eagerly waiting for the next one

    • 2 mega-successful, cut-and-paste online profiles you can “steal” and start using today to meet hordes of women online (Copy them word for word or create your own based on the model... and watch your email box swell to obscene proportions)

    • 10 tips for online chatting you can use to take things with a woman from the internet to the “real world” quickly and easily

    • 5 of my own personal successful online chat threads, copied and pasted for you to study and steal from (Look over my shoulder and see exactly how it's done)

    • A detailed explanation of my theory that “Attraction Isn't A Choice” and exactly how to use this information to increase your success with women DRAMATICALLY - by learning how to make them feel attraction for you AUTOMATICALLY

    • Why just learning “techniques” and “pick up lines” alone won't help you... and what to do about it

    • What attraction is, and how to use this knowledge to make women feel it for YOU

    • How to stop thinking about “seducing” women, which implies manipulation and trickery, and start thinking in terms of ATTRACTING them instead

    • Creating attraction takes more than just the right words... it takes a special combination of body language, humor, attitude, and other communication. I'll show you the magic formula, and break it down into bite-size chunks that you'll easily grasp

    • A very specific exercise and formula for overcoming each and every fear you have with women

    • The “triune brain” theory, and how to appeal to the three different parts of a woman's mind at once and increase her attraction for you exponentially

    • Lessons from animal behavior (called “Ethology”) that will help you see human behavior... and especially FEMALE human behavior differently (and more importantly, show you how to attract women in almost magical ways)

    • How the persona or “social masks” of women work, and how to get past them

    • How we deceive ourselves into believing things that aren't true or useful about women... and how to overcome this self-deception

    • How to keep more of your personal power... instead of giving it away to women

    • How to find and identify your own limiting or inaccurate beliefs about yourself and women... and how to turn them into useful beliefs that will help you succeed

    • How to think about the “game” of dating in a way that makes you excited about meeting and approaching women

    • How to “make your own luck” when it comes to women. There are things that “lucky” guys do to attract women - and you can learn what they are

    • Why some techniques work better than others when it comes to attracting women, and the exact techniques I use personally in each major dating situation

    • How to project a powerful, magnetic confidence to women by seeing them as “guests in your reality” as opposed to people whose approval you need

    • A detailed explanation of the inner beliefs of men who are ULTRA successful with women, and how to cultivate these beliefs within yourself

    • Specific guided self-image exercises to improve your self esteem and confidence with women

    • Why your “Reference Group” (or those you choose to surround yourself with) will largely determine your success... and how to use this secret to skyrocket your success with women

    • Answers to the profound question: “How do you make a person want something?”

    • How to stop acting needy in the presence of women - and instead project a LACK OF INSECURITY that women are magnetically attracted to

    • Specific techniques for directly accessing the deeper, primitive part of women in a way that makes them automatically feel ATTRACTION for you

    • How to communicate that YOU'RE the one doing the selecting... instead of leaving that to women

    • The magical powers that “bad boys” and “jerks” use to attract women... and how to harness the positive aspects of this power yourself without being abusive

    • How attractive women think, feel, and experience the world, and why you need to “get” this in order to make them feel ATTRACTION for you

    • Every single thing you do or say can either increase or decrease attraction... learn how to turn this to your advantage and make the most of every communication, action, gesture, and situation

    • Various female personality types, how they work, and what to watch out for

    • Specific guided exercises for clearing fear and anxiety... you can use these techniques in any situation to help you clear away uncontrollable anxiety

    • Great places to meet women... there are places where women outnumber men (really!)

    • “Pickup Lines” that actually work

    • A detailed explanation of mental rehearsal exercises and examples to help you plan your success with women

    • One of my favorites! How to make women actually start the conversation with you

    • “Training Wheels” for meeting women... different types of props, stunts, etc. that will help start and maintain interesting conversations with women in any situation

    • How to start up a conversation with a woman in any situation

    • How to plan out your initial interactions with women so they go smoothly - without feeling like you're being “manipulative”

    • How to use your voice tone to change the meaning of your communications in a way that women find charming and irresistible

    • How to “ask a woman out on a date” - there's a right way and a wrong way... I'll show you the right way

    • The best places to take women on dates... to have fun and not spend a lot of money

    • Exactly how to use Romance and Chivalry to maximize the attraction that a woman feels for you... without going overboard and making yourself look foolish

    • How to make a woman think about you all the time, even when you haven't talked to her for days

    • Why following common social courtesy and “what your mom taught you” is HORRIBLE for creating attraction... and what to do instead

    • How to set up your “relationship” with a woman in a way that doesn't create obligation, strange feelings, and hassles later on (when I use the word “relationship” here, I don't mean boyfriend/girlfriend relationship... I mean the relationship between two people)

    • The keys to making your personality INTERESTING to women

    • The magical power of being Cocky and Funny with women

    • My favorite specific examples of being Cocky and Funny

    • How to make it natural for a woman to want to be ALONE with you

    • My personal secrets for meeting women on the internet, day or night, 24/7

    • The 6 things that INSTANTLY tell a woman you will make a good father (One of the single biggest things that attracts a woman to a man... and one that you must be VERY careful with)

    • “The Wuss Cure”... how to get yourself back on track if you feel like you're starting to act needy, and you sense that you're about to scare a woman off.

    • Secrets for taking a woman home the same night you meet her.

    • How to “play hard to get” with a woman right from the beginning... and increase her attraction to you exponentially by doing it

    • How to use “The Kiss Test” to see if she's ready to be kissed

    • Examples of actual dialogues and conversations with women online

    • How and when to end a date (hint: If you screw this up, you lower your chances of seeing her again by quite a bit)

    • How to smoothly take things to a “physical” level, and get a woman so turned on that she's literally begging for you to make love with her

    • A printed “hard copy” of my most popular and requested newsletter of ALL TIME, “Meeting Women With The Personals”, reprinted in its entirety (This newsletter contains my exact step-by-step routine for meeting women online, including my “cut-and-paste” letter you can send to a woman that almost GUARANTEES a response) I'm serious when I say that this one “bonus” alone could multiply the results you get using the online personals to meet women... and save you hundreds or thousands of dollars... and literally MULTIPLY the number of women you meet...