Power sexuality
Posted by Salraz
“Is It Really Possible For A Guy Who Has Literally No Sexual Confidence And No Control Over His Sex Drive To Transform Himself Into The Kind Of “In Control” Man That Women Desire, Respect… And Secretly Fantasize About?”
Your sex drive is killing your sex life.
The amazing gift – of a sex drive – that you were born with, has become your worst enemy.
Let me ask you something…
Have you ever seen an innocent child chasing after a butterfly?
Just as the child gets closer to the butterfly, and begins smiling because he’s about to catch it… he gets too excited, and moves too fast… and scares his prize away.
And this is exactly what you’re probably doing with women right now.
Innocently… and ignorantly… you’re pushing away the women you’re most attracted to… and, in the process, you’re pushing away your chances of having sexually fulfilling relationships with those women.
How am I so sure about this?
Because I did this exact same thing ALL MY LIFE.
And it’s only now, after years of “self development” and learning that I’m able to see my past thinking and behavior for EXACTLY what it was… DESTRUCTIVE.
Some Of The Many Mistakes I Made…
You may have heard me mention this before, but I didn’t have my first girlfriend until I was 18 years old. Up until that point, I had gotten used to women not paying attention to me, and I just assumed that I wasn’t the type of guy that women were “interested in”.
I would hear stories about the other guys in my high school “hooking up” with the attractive girls… and, over time, I just got the point where I accepted the idea that those guys must have something “special” about them… that attracted women in a sexual way.
The more these other guys “scored”, and the more I didn’t score, the more I affirmed that belief in my mind…
But here’s the kicker: Just because women weren’t interested in ME in a sexual way… didn’t mean that I wasn’t interested in THEM in a sexual way. My desire was always there… hoping… waiting… praying for a chance opportunity to be with one of these seemingly out-of-reach beauties I saw all around me.
Now that I look back on it, I realize that the frustration that came from believing that I would never be successful with women… combined with my growing desire to BE with one of these women… ruled my “mental world”.
I had no idea that I had the word “DESPERATE” written in big bold letters on my forehead. Women could see it… but I had no idea it was even there.
This “foundation” (if you could call it that), led to another set of problems as I got older…
Because I secretly believed that women weren’t interested in me “in that way”, I always felt embarrassed, ashamed, and guilty about my desires to be with them…
I could be talking to an attractive woman, and as soon as I started to think “Hey, this woman is hot…” I would become INCREDIBLY self-conscious.
All of a sudden, I felt like my thoughts and intentions were being projected on a giant movie screen right in front of the girl I was talking to. I felt like she could READ MY MIND.
Worse, I felt like she not only knew what I was thinking, but she was probably DISGUSTED by it… and wanted to get away from me.
I mean, if you were an attractive woman, and a guy that wasn’t attractive in any way was talking to you… and thinking sexual thoughts about you… wouldn’t YOU want to get away as fast as possible?
I thought so. And, more importantly, I thought that SHE thought so.
And again… now that I’m older, and can look back on this with experience… I can see that I was literally sabotaging my chances of success with these women.
What Was Wrong?
Why Couldn’t I See It?
Why Couldn’t I See It?
At that time in my life, I had NO WAY of knowing what the problem was.
I had no way of knowing that the women I was so attracted to could see RIGHT THROUGH ME.
I had no way of knowing that it was OBVIOUS to them that I wanted them… and that I didn’t know how to GET them…
The problem was actually three problems:
1) had NO Sexual Confidence.
2) I had NO Sexual Experience.
3) I had NO clue.
Not only did I lack confidence and experience, I didn’t even have anyone to slap me upside the head and say “Hey dumbass! Go get some Sexual Confidence… and read a few books about sex already!”
In fact, sometimes I mentally go back and bitch-slap my inner child and say those exact words! Just don’t mention that to any therapists… they might not agree with my self-motivation techniques…
In total, I spent around ten YEARS of my adult life in this “rat maze”, trying to find the secret door… and only running into one frustrating situation after another.
I’d get lucky, and start a casual conversation with a woman that I found attractive… and screw it up because I was so insecure about my sexuality… and because I thought she could NEVER find me attractive… so I wouldn’t even TRY.
I’d get lucky again, and wind up dating a woman that I really liked… and because I had no Sexual Confidence, I’d turn into “Super Wussy Boy” and she’d get bored of me… and we’d break up.
I’d get VERY lucky… and find myself in a situation where an attractive woman was in bed with me… but I’d get nervous and self-conscious… and not be able to even get sexually excited (by the way, this one is the hardest to even admit… and I can’t believe I’m typing these words right now).
These are just a few of the COUNTLESS situations that I screwed up over those ten or so years of my life…
If you’ve been reading this, and you can identify with what I’m talking about, then what I’m about to say will probably change your life FOREVER. I’m not kidding…
The Root Of The Problem…
The sad (but true) fact is that I had NO IDEA that my problems were coming from my MIND.
It wasn’t that women weren’t interested in me… and it wasn’t that they were disgusted by my desire for them…
The reality was that I didn’t know how to MAKE them interested… and I didn’t know that if they were interested, that they would LIKE the fact that I wanted them sexually.
In short, I had no SEXUAL CONFIDENCE.
Those two words are interesting together, aren’t they?
Somehow, even though you’ve probably never seen them used together… you probably know EXACTLY what they mean when used in this way… right?
Let’s put it another way.
I’ll bet you’ve “thought through” the idea that sex is “natural”… right?
You’ve gone over it in your mind over and over… and you’ve convinced yourself logically that there’s “nothing wrong with sex”… and that if you are interested in a woman sexually, that it’s totally healthy and acceptable.
But then there’s REALITY…
When you find yourself in the SITUATION with a woman… and you suspect that she might be “reading your mind”, you become self-conscious and ashamed again… even though you “know” there’s nothing to be self-conscious and ashamed about…
This, my friend, is a lack of Sexual Confidence.
But there’s more…
I also mentioned earlier the factor called “sexual experience”.
Here I’m talking specifically about knowing exactly how to please a woman in the bedroom. I’m talking about having the goods. I’m talking about being able to look at a woman and say to yourself “if that woman is lucky enough to experience some time with me on an intimate level, she is going to remember it for the rest of her life”.
THAT is what I’m talking about.
And when you COMBINE these two factors, and you develop them consciously… you will become a man that has UNLIMITED options with women.
A “Dirty Secret” That
Most Women
Will Never Admit…
Most Women
Will Never Admit…
One of the most INTERESTING things I learned while I was teaching myself about Sexual Confidence was this:
Many (or maybe even most) attractive women have gone through… or are going through… a time in their lives where they have become what I call “sexually dormant”.
What I’m talking about here is very private, and very personal to most women…
A woman who is going through this experience has found herself in a place where she has FORGOTTEN what it feels like to be SEXUALLY ALIVE.
See, for most women, they rarely (or NEVER) meet a man who has that amazing combination of “Sexual Confidence” PLUS the ability to really “please” her in the bedroom.
And, just like I programmed myself that there was something “unattractive” about me… and I’d probably never succeed sexually with women… a woman who is sexually dormant has come to believe that this is just the way it is.
She has literally LOST HOPE.
Whoah, heavy man.
But there’s good news. And it’s VERY good news…
If you work on yourself, and develop your natural Sexual Confidence… then learn a few things about how to please women… you can awaken a woman’s sexual side. And then… WATCH OUT.
Even though this sounds like some kind of romance novel sex fantasy, it’s 100% true. Every word of it. And I’m going to prove it to you…
One Technique That Will
Literally Transform Your
“Sexual Success”
With Women Instantly…
Literally Transform Your
“Sexual Success”
With Women Instantly…
Before I go on, I’d like to share a technique that you can use to dramatically increase your success with women on a sexual level.
If you pay attention and USE what I’m about to share, you will see VERY powerful results.
Why am I going to share this technique with you?
Because I want you to see for yourself just how much difference a small change can make.
And I want to you to see for yourself that you can LEARN how to improve your sexual success with women (I also want you to invest in my home-study program as well, but that’s another story…).
Have you ever heard me tell the story of “Old Bull and Young Bull”? Maybe you’ve heard the joke…
Old Bull and Young Bull are standing on a hill. Young Bull says to Old Bull, “Hey, let’s run down there and have sex with one of them cows”. Old Bull slowly turns to Young Bull and says, “Let’s WALK down there, and have sex with ALL of them”.
The moral of the story is that Old Bull has learned that being in too much of a hurry limits your sexual success.
Being in too much of a hurry scares women away.
Being in too much of a hurry makes women RESIST… it weirds them out.
If being in too much of a hurry hurts you, then what’s the obvious solution?
This is a good start, by the way. And I recommend it.
Lean back. Don’t move too fast. Don’t communicate that you’re needy. Don’t get overly excited if she gives you a “positive signal”. In short, CHILL OUT.
But this isn’t the ULTIMATE answer.
This isn’t the answer that brings you the EXPONENTIAL increase in success.
This isn’t the answer that literally gets women AROUSED… and turns them on.
For that, you must do something that’s both SIMPLE… and “counter-intuitive”.
By counter-intuitive, I mean that you must do something that you’d probably never think of… and you’d never stumble on by accident… because it almost doesn’t make sense.
And that’s the BEAUTY of it.
Because it’s not something that most men think of (or do accidentally), it is INCREDIBLY powerful to do with women… because they never EXPERIENCE it.
The “Magic Key” To
A Woman’s Arousal…
A Woman’s Arousal…
The way to take this idea of “slowing down”, and multiply its effectiveness… is to add a simple twist to it.
This twist is to actually STOP once in awhile… and GO BACKWARDS a step.
In fact, I call this technique “Two Steps Forward, One Step Back”.
And here’s why it works:
For a woman, arousal (or being “turned on”) is all about ANTICIPATION.
Men get turned on instantly… but women usually take longer. And they ENJOY the process of getting turned on more and more over time.
If you know this simple fact… and you know how to create MENTAL ANTICIPATION… you will know the secret of getting any woman aroused sexually.
Here’s how to do it…
Next time you’re with a woman, tell yourself that you’re going to STOP at every “base”, and take a step BACK.
Let’s say you’ve kissed her for the first time.
Lean back.
Smile at her.
Start talking again.
And don’t touch her for several minutes.
Now, why’s that?
Because she’s going to be thinking to herself “Why did he stop?” and “Is there something wrong” and “Is he going to kiss me again?”.
And the more she thinks and wonders, the more TURNED ON she’s going to get.
When you do start kissing again, put your arms around her… but DON’T TOUCH any of her “private” areas.
Touch her shoulders. Touch her arms. Pull her close. But DON’T TOUCH the “R Rated” zones.
And then… you guessed it…
Lean back.
Smile at her again.
Lay close to her with your arm around her… very still.
During the time you were kissing her and touching her, she will be thinking “Why isn’t he trying to touch me all over?” and “I’d better be ready to stop him”.
But you didn’t touch her in any of those places. And she didn’t get to “stop you”.
And now that you’ve stopped, she’s thinking even more… and getting even MORE aroused.
Are you learning something?
Now go and use this technique, and see for yourself how powerful a simple idea like this one can be…
Now, I just shared a very simple… but very POWERFUL technique.
And, as I mentioned, it is “counter intuitive”. It’s not something you probably would have figured out “on your own”.
Well, just like that one idea was both counter intuitive… AND easy to learn… all of the steps to building Sexual Confidence and Sexual Experience are basically the same.
You can learn them.
No hassle.
Oh, and it’s FUN to learn them. It’s not only interesting, it’s also wonderfully challenging. The more you learn, the more fun it is… and the more you WANT to learn…
But only if you know WHERE to learn this stuff…
How To Create Your Own
“Sexual Confidence” And
Sexual Experience Quickly –
And Without The Years Of Hassle…
“Sexual Confidence” And
Sexual Experience Quickly –
And Without The Years Of Hassle…
Until now, there has been nowhere to go in order to LEARN how to build Sexual Confidence.
You either had it, or you didn’t (or you were hard-headed like me, and spent many frustrating years of your life figuring it out for yourself).
Well, now there IS a place you can learn these concepts, theories, and skills… and the great news is that you can learn it all from ME… right from the comfort of your own home.
I’ve put the finishing touches on a home-study program that I call “Power Sexuality”, and I’d like to tell you about it…
This program is the very first of its kind. It’s designed to help men overcome the same sexual issues that held me back from success with women for many years… the very personal stuff that doesn’t just “disappear” on its own… and can affect you your entire life unless you take action to get rid of it.
This program is also designed to fix the problems that hold back even those guys who DO attract women…
Unfortunately most men---whether they can get dates or not---never really learn how to REALLY turn a woman on sexually, and allow her to discover the sexual being hiding inside of her. This program will show you how to do that… and a whole lot more…
Here’s a few of the other powerful things you’ll learn:
- How to notice the signals inside yourself that you’re about to do something STUPID and screw things up… and what to do in each situation INSTEAD… so you take things to the next level FORWARD instead of messing up and turning her off…
- How to notice the signals that a woman is LOSING interest… and how to get things BACK ON TRACK
- The direct relation between your Sexual Confidence and the “aura” you project when approaching a woman for the very first time (A lack of Sexual Confidence will ruin your ENTIRE game… and a woman can “feel” this right when she meets you. Here’s how to let a woman know IMMEDIATLEY that you can please her in the bedroom… without actually saying it)
- A simple “trick” that DOUBLES the intensity of any sexual “technique” (She’ll remember you forever when you use this one… because you’ll be the only man who’s ever been able to make her feel this good…)
- The single most powerful way to trigger SEXUAL ATTRACTION when you first meet a woman (Women are hard-wired to respond to this technique because it subconsciously tells her that a man is a “sexual match” to her, or better… and she should do whatever she can to mate with him)
- How to eliminate all feelings of shame, guilt, and insecurity around your sexuality quickly, and permanently (this is the first step to becoming a Sexually Confident male… and I’ll show you some simple, 3-minute exercises to rid yourself of the internal “B.S.” that is sabotaging your sexual success with women)
- If you want to build SEXUAL ATTRACTION in a woman, it’s crucial that she sees you as “mating material” and not “friend material”. In this program I’ll show you how to let a woman know that you are a SEXUAL THREAT… and get her thinking about having sex with you within minutes of meeting you…
- The 4 factors a woman uses to size up a man’s “sexual potential” when they first meet (A woman uses these things to determine in if you are up to her sexual standards… miss just one and she’ll feel you’re genetically inferior, and not worthy of being with her)
- Why REALLY HOT women are even better at detecting sexual insecurity… and what they look for when deciding whether or not to sleep with you (These smoking hot women have to sleep with someone… but very few men are able to get past their initial screening process. Here’s what you must do differently with these women to get them to see you as an equal)
- A step-by-step method for creating sexual chemistry with a woman… how to get her incredibly turned on… and fantasizing about having sex with you non-stop until it actually happens
- Why you must NEVER focus on the ACT of sex when you are with a woman if you want to actually have sex with her (Many guys screw it up for themselves by focusing on the “end goal”. Instead, do this… and often SHE will be the one who initiates it
- One of the biggest causes of nervousness and performance anxiety in men is the fact that they haven’t accepted the fact that sex is “normal”… that it is something you are supposed to do as a human, and that it’s “no big deal”. I’ll show you how to hard-wire these beliefs into your brain so you can accept your male sexuality as the important part of you that it is… and start having the sex life you are meant to have as an adult man
- The single biggest insecurity WOMEN have around sex… and how to make a woman feel totally comfortable and excited about having sex with YOU
- How to keep your sexual emotions from ruining your relationships with women by making you do things you know aren’t right… whether it’s calling a woman too much, getting nervous on a date or in the bedroom, or simply giving up your sexual power to a woman. Here’s how to avoid making these mistakes and ensure your relationships go in the direction YOU want
- Your biggest sexual weapon as a man is DELAYING GRATIFICATION… and I’ll show you how to use this to build up intense feelings of sexual tension with a woman inside and outside the bedroom… and then give her a mind-blowing experience she will remember FOREVER
- How a woman detects which man is the most SEXUALLY DOMINANT of a group (Use this “trigger” and your friends will HATE YOU… because all of the women you meet when you are out will naturally gravitate towards YOU)
- A HUGE mistake guys make right before actually doing the deed that KILLS ATTRACTION, and makes a woman nervous about actually “doing it” with you (In fact, this one is so deadly that it actually sends attraction into the NEGATIVE… so you are worse off then when you first met her… even though you are now in bed with her. I’m amazed at how many men do this… and if you’re like me, you will cringe when you hear it because you’ve probably made this mistake yourself)
- Why women LOVE and are irresistibly turned on by the characters in romance novels (Here’s how to think and act like these heroes and make a woman see you as the DREAM MAN she’s spent her whole life searching for)
- A secret way to touch a woman that gets her thinking about you touching her more and more and more…
- A way to find out what turns a woman on MOST while you are kissing her… so you learn the best way to push her “pleasure buttons” on the spot and drive her WILD with pleasure (Do this and she’ll think you’re a “sexual psychic” who knows exactly how to please her)
- What women REALLY fantasize about in the bedroom… and how to make her feel comfortable with acting those fantasies out
- Why a woman MUST have a challenge in order to be sexually fulfilled… and exactly how to get her to open up to you sexually by holding back physical contact (I have to emphasize just how important this lesson is going to be to you… I’m going to teach you how to do something that you’d NEVER guess in a million years… and have it MULTIPLY the attraction that a woman is feeling for you. The woman you’re with will be confused, fascinated, and totally caught off-guard… Oh, and she’ll also be more attracted to you PHYSICALLY than she’s ever been attracted to ANYONE, EVER)
- A powerful exercise that shows you how to develop a magnetic aura of SEXUAL POWER that women will notice from the corner of their eyes when you walk into a room… and that turns women on when you are talking with them one-on-one
- The hidden link between Sexual Confidence and the rest of your success with women… (You might not recognize this if you are already having success with women… but without a mastery of your “end game”, the rest of your success (from approaching women to getting dates) is being held back. Here’s how Sexual Confidence will supercharge ALL of your skills with women… and the fastest way to do it)
- Why it’s perfectly normal for us to experience “out there” fantasies (It’s really not “weird” or “out there” to have wild fantasies… and women have them too. Here’s how to get rid of any shame you have around them and keep them from holding you back in other areas… and, best of all, to EXPERIENCE your fantasies in real-life)
- How to really understand your masculine role in the bedroom (Most men act too “feminine” and end up turning a woman off… and making her want to ditch you for someone else. Here’s how to put a stop to this immediately… and give her the satisfaction of feeling like she’s with a REAL man)
- A way to find out if a woman has fantasies of being “submissive”… and what to do if she does (I am not kidding when I say that this little-known “submissive test”, along with exactly what to do if she tests “positive”… is a PRICELESS piece of knowledge. You might kiss me after you use it… but let’s not go there)
- How a man with rock-solid Sexual Confidence holds himself and stands… and why women will be magnetically drawn to you when you do this
- The things women use to size up your FUTURE status as a man (If you can show a woman that you are on the path to Sexual Confidence, it can be just as attractive as actually being there. Here are the 9 things a woman looks for, and how to project them)
- A lesson from master salesmen on how to close deals that you need to know in order to “close the deal” with a woman
- What it means when a woman “slows you down” when you are getting physical… and what to do next to keep things going smoothly, and keep her feeling comfortable
- A big mistake “sensitive” guys make in the bedroom that they THINK is a good thing (the truth is that this is a MAJOR turnoff to women… and if you don’t know what it is, there is a good chance you are making this mistake now)
- How to let her know you are an ANIMAL inside the bedroom that will ravish her the way she longs to be… and at the same time set off fiery passions within her that give her that “I must have him NOW” feeling
- Why a woman’s physical feelings override her emotions (Here’s how to ramp up sexual excitement FAST… and overcome the “logical” resistance women that keeps women from sleeping with men even when it’s the right thing to do)
- How to get her to picture in her mind the two of you being intimate (This is the first step to it actually happening. In fact, it will never actually happen unless she imagines it first… so listen up!)
- An in-depth lesson in ANTICIPATION and SEXUAL TENSION (I’ll show you step-by-step how to use these 2 powerful weapons together… use them correctly and you will literally have women you’ve just met interested in seeing you again… and women you have been seeing jumping your bones. These forces are really that effective… and you’ll be a master of them by the time you finish this course)
- Why you should WAIT before you touch a woman… and how to get her silently begging for it… so that when it finally does happen it feels like electricity running through her body
- 2 silent but powerful ways to initiate physical contact that tell her you are VERY EXPERIENCED with women (even if you’re not…)
- A simple, “never fail” way to find out FOR SURE if a woman wants to sleep with you that night
- The 5-minute preparation you should go through before getting intimate with a woman to ensure you don’t make any mistakes (This simple 5 minute routine will eliminate any chance of performance anxiety or other embarrassing problems you’ve been having… by clearing your mind and getting you “in the zone”. Listen up… this is important)
- How to practice your techniques BEFORE you get together with a woman… so by the time it actually happens she thinks you are an EXPERT… even if it’s your first time using them
- What you can learn when a woman touches YOU (Here’s how to “read” her touch and find out the very best way to please her)
- A KILLER technique you can use to give a woman a quick burst of sexual excitement anytime you like… inside the bedroom or on a date (This is one of my personal favorites… and you’ll use it with every woman that you meet)
- A primal sexual technique---stolen from the animal kingdom---that all mammals are programmed to respond to by becoming SEXUALLY AROUSED
- The right way to play “hard to get” without scaring a woman off (Do this right and you will increase her physical and emotional attraction for you DRAMATICALLY)
- How to turn a woman ON by turning her DOWN the first time she makes an advance at you (You’ll LOVE this…)
- How to get a woman to happily and literally BEG YOU for more in the bedroom (You actually might love this one even MORE… lol)
- 2 words to say to a woman during foreplay that make her want it BAD
- The single most powerful “sexual move” I have EVER discovered (This one is truly POTENT… and is NOT to be used as a manipulation tool. Save it for the women you really like, because it will make them want to be intimate with you again and again and again…)
- A simple way to TRIPLE the intensity of her orgasms without requiring any special “techniques” or extra “stamina” from you
- How to let a woman know that YOU know more about her body than SHE does… and make her want you to PROVE IT to her
- How to connect her physical and auditory sensations to give her an unforgettably intense sexual experience like no man ever had before
- Exactly what to do when you have a “performance problem”… what you MUST do if you want her to overlook it and move on (Most guys let this ruin them FOREVER… but the truth is these things happen to all men… and woman are ok with it if you handle it LIKE A MAN. Here’s how…)
- The tests a woman will give you when you are “getting physical” and how to pass them… even if you aren’t aware that you are being tested at the time
- The kind of man a woman needs to bring out the hidden sexual goddess inside her… and how to become him
- 3 things you can use to size up a woman’s “sexual potential” on the spot and find out instantly if she’s the wild thing you’ve been looking for
- How to get a woman to think about you in “naughty ways” when you aren’t around…
- The “Welcomed Method” – A step-by-step method to pump pleasure into a woman’s body and stimulate her in a way she has NEVER felt before
- The REAL truth about what women want a man to do in the bedroom (Hint: It’s NOT what you think…)
- A secret fantasy almost all women have but almost NONE will admit (She’ll be AMAZED that you know this…)
- Your most powerful tool in the bedroom is YOUR VOICE. Here’s how to “talk dirty” in a way that turns a woman on FAST
- How to crack a woman’s unique “sexual code”… and be the one man that REALLY brings out the sexual animal inside of her (When you take a woman to this “forbidden” level of pleasure and excitement, she’ll become yours FOREVER. In fact, you probably won’t be able to get rid of her even if you want to!)
- How to use different kinds of touches to release the different “sexual chemicals” in her brain all at once… creating a super shot of sexual excitement that lasts for hours and hours
- The 8-word question that gets a woman to reveal her DEEPEST sexual fantasies to you… even if you’ve just met
- What you can do when a woman says “stop” that turns the tables and gets her t0 BEG YOU to keep going (the best part is that women LOVE when you do this…)
- The 2 best places on a woman’s body to make that important “first touch”… if you want to turn her on the most…
- A subtle way to touch a woman during dinner that gets her turned on and thinking about what’s coming next
- A way to shake a woman’s hand that sends shivers through her body and makes her want you to touch her in other places as well
- How to dance with a woman in a sensual way that turns her on
- What a woman ultimately desires from the act of sex (to surrender)
- How to tune into a woman’s body during the act and increase her chances of having an orgasm by whispering to her (This one is REALLY powerful… you’ll learn it in 3 minutes… and you’ll use it every time you’re with a woman)
- How to tell whether or not a woman is “faking it”
- A simple exercise to strengthen your “love muscles” and eliminate any chance of having an embarrassing dysfunction when it counts
- A little-known but easy to find food that increases your libido and makes you perform better in the bedroom
- How to get a woman to see you as her “sexual trainer”… and BEG YOU to teach her new and exciting things
- The way to ask a woman how to please her best without looking like you are inexperienced or clueless (Women actually LOVE when a man asks them how to give them pleasure… but you have to do it right. Here’s how…)
- How to train a girl to please you, step-by-step… and make any woman the perfect sexual partner for you
- The sentence you can say to a woman right before she “pleasures you” that makes her do twice as good of a job (And no, I’m not kidding)
How You Can Know If
This Program Is Right For You
This Program Is Right For You
There is an important reason why EVERY MAN needs to get their hands on the information in this program, which I’ll explain to you in a minute. First, I feel it’s important that you find out if this program is specifically for YOU.
Read through the following questions… and answer them in your mind or out loud.
As you go them, think about how your life will be different when you have different answers then you have now…
- Does it ever feel like the women you meet have absolutely ZERO sexual chemistry with you… or worse… that they are REPELLED by you? Maybe you can feel it when you approach them… or when she hugs you… and there is just no sexual energy whatsoever?
- Do you feel that women you date or attempt to date just aren’t as interested in sex as you are… or worse… just not interested in having sex with YOU?
- When you are interacting with a woman you like… do you secretly fear that you might do something that makes her NEVER want to sleep with you… and that you’ll never be able to “recover” from it?
- Do you worry you might do something wrong in a stage of “getting physical”… and it will freak a woman out and make her uneasy about you… and also reveal your lack of experience?
- Do you fear that if things become intimate between you and a woman you won’t know what to do… or how to do things right?
- Have you ever “put off” an opportunity to sleep with a woman… maybe pretending you were “hard to get” or “respectful”… but in reality you were just too damn nervous to do it? Maybe you feared you wouldn’t be able to please her, or even perform at all… and you wanted to avoid the embarrassment?
- Have you ever screwed up your chances with a woman because you DIDN’T sleep with her?
- Do you feel guilty about some of the things you want to do with a woman… and feel that if she found out about some of the fantasies you have you would feel ashamed?
- Do you feel like everyone around you is having sex except YOU? And the less sex you have, the worse your chances become to get it?
- Do you secretly feel that you are missing out on an important part of life by not having sex as often as most “normal” people seem to have? Or because you are not having sex at all?
- Do you feel embarrassed about your sexual situation… and feel like no one would understand it… and that people might even laugh at you if you told them about your problems?
They are also all problems I have had to personally overcome.
I’ve singled these problems out because we are going to tackle each of them head-on in this program… together. If you are currently suffering from any ONE of these deadly fears and limitations, I highly recommend you get this program immediately… because by the time you finish going through it and using the powerful tools inside, you’ll feel FAR more “Sexual Confidence”… and you’ll be FAR more successful with all stages of meeting women.
By the way, as your Sexual Confidence increases, you’ll also notice some other very interesting things begin to happen…
As I already mentioned, many of the challenges that you are facing in the INITIAL stages with women… like overcoming fear of approaching… building attraction… and keeping women interested in you, stem from insecurity with your END game.
In other words, if you lack confidence regarding sex… the ultimate RESULT of everything else you do… you won’t have as much confidence in all else that you do.
If you don’t know whether or not you can please a woman, you won’t feel confident when you’re first meeting her… when you’re on a date with her… and ESPECIALLY when you start down the path to becoming intimate with her.
But fortunately, when you create that powerful Sexual Confidence for yourself, the other problems tend to fix themselves.
So why not end ALL of your problems RIGHT NOW, and starting living the life you really want?
This program will help you do it…
Why Most Women Will Never
Be TRULY Satisfied In The Bedroom,
Why Most Men Will Never Be ABLE To
Truly Satisfy A Woman Sexually…
And What To Do About It…
…PLUS Why You Owe It To Yourself
And Every Woman You Meet
For the Rest Of Your Life
To Learn These Skills Immediately
While doing some research in preparation for this program, I read somewhere that most women have NEVER had an orgasm during sex with a man…Be TRULY Satisfied In The Bedroom,
Why Most Men Will Never Be ABLE To
Truly Satisfy A Woman Sexually…
And What To Do About It…
…PLUS Why You Owe It To Yourself
And Every Woman You Meet
For the Rest Of Your Life
To Learn These Skills Immediately
Is that even possible???
Well, I’m not sure. But what I do is know from experience is that nearly all women complain to each other constantly that men have NO IDEA how to please them…
It’s even become a “culturally accepted” fact… society’s cliché of the “average” man is a guy who loves beer, loves sports, hates to ask for directions… and couldn’t satisfy a woman in the bedroom if his life depended on it.
I definitely think there is some truth to this… and I know most women will agree.
So why is this? What’s going on here?
Well, I personally believe that it is NOT because men are only “out for themselves” and don’t want to satisfy a woman. Those men are a small minority.
I also don’t believe it’s because men are lacking in sexual “technique”… or even “stamina”.
I believe the problem here is that nearly all men are lacking what it takes to bring out the primal sexual being that is hidden inside of every women… the woman that is capable of having amazing orgasms and experiencing intense pleasures… and totally “letting go” and enjoying the experience.
Men always fantasize about having sex with REALLY attractive women, and having the woman as into it as he is. This woman is actually waiting inside of every woman that you meet… but unfortunately, most men will never get to see her.
You see… bringing this side of a woman out is something the MAN has to do. A woman can’t just “choose” to make it happen… and can’t just “turn it on” when the time is right.
A man must have SEXUAL CONFIDENCE to bring it out.
If you don’t… a woman will subconsciously feel that you aren’t man enough to handle it.
What we’re talking about here goes FAR BEYOND sexual excitement and arousal. We’re talking about a total transformation.
If you’ve never seen this side of a woman before, don’t feel bad… even men that have sex regularly usually don’t have the Sexual Confidence to bring these powerful feelings out.
The consequence of all this is a lack of sexual satisfaction for women everywhere… which gives them a negative feeling about men in general, and a disappointment in sex, period.
But… the good news here is that YOU don’t have to be a part of it.
If you have the Sexual Confidence to unlock this side of a woman, you really can turn her into a nymphomaniac that is thinking about sex with you ALL THE TIME.
Once you have the combination to this lock… she will be yours FOREVER.
In fact… no other man will even stand a chance. It’s not like another guy can come along and crack the code… and it’s not like she can tell him how.
Powerful Sexual Confidence is the equivalent to having a “skeleton key” to a woman’s inner sexual being… and this program will show you how to get it.
Even if you are already good with women… you owe it to yourself to get this program… and learn how to create that animal magnetism that very, very few men will ever know how to do…
You'll Also Get Three FREE Live
“Interviews With Dating Gurus”
Just For Trying This Program ...
“Interviews With Dating Gurus”
Just For Trying This Program ...
As a very special one-time bonus, I'd also like to send you THREE FREE interviews from my Interviews With Dating Gurus monthly CD interview program.
Here's how it works: Order now, and I'll throw in a one-month FREE subscription to my Interview Series - PLUS I'd like to send you my Interview Starter Kit that contains two DOUBLE interviews as a bonus for just trying this program.
I'm so sure you're going to love these interviews that I'm even going to pay the additional priority SHIPPING cost to send them to you. If you love them (which you will), keep them and stay subscribed. Every month I'll send you another interview, and you'll automatically be charged only $19.95 (or $22.95 if you're outside of the U.S.). You can cancel anytime you want with no questions or hassles.
If you get this starter kit and you DON'T love these interviews and get IMMEDIATE success with the material you learn, you can cancel and keep the starter kit AND the first month's interview FOR FREE just for TRYING it. In other words, you get to keep all three interviews for free either way... even if you cancel right after you get them.
This bonus is worth at least $100.00 alone, and it's yours free just for trying this program - but this special free-interview offer is only available with your purchase right now.
And of course, the starter kit and all the future interviews will be sent to you in plain packaging for your privacy.
[Read all about my Interview Series by clicking HERE for a pop-up window that will explain the details. The pop up can be closed as soon as you're finished.]
***If you'd prefer NOT to get this free $100 bonus, you can “opt out” with one click while ordering.... and order just the “Power Sexuality…” Program alone. It's that easy.
Here’s What You’re Going To Get...

- 8 audio CDs or 4 digitally recorded and edited DVDs of me and my guests PERSONALLY teaching you everything I've described above
- An accompanying workbook full of teaching slides and aides
- A detailed track listing for quick access
- A sturdy 3-ring binder to hold all of your CDs/DVDs and other materials
- Additional Bonus... Three Free Interviews With Dating Gurus
- These three bonuses, including the two DOUBLE interviews are worth at least $100.00 alone
- You'll get all three free, just for trying this program
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